Page 34 of Pretty Drunk

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Even though I don’t want to, I remove my fingers from her body and release my belt. I quickly follow that up with unbuttoning and unzipping the fly of my jeans before pushing them down to my ankles. I should most definitely remove my shoes, but there’s no time. All I feel is the urgency to get inside her, to feel her come around my cock.

She reaches out and strokes my dick, sending a flood of pleasure through my blood, while I rip my T-shirt over my head. It feels too good, and if she keeps that up much longer, this party will be over way before it starts. Placing my hands around her hips, I tell her, “Back up you go.”

Her eyes widen with a bit of panic. “What? No.”

“Yes, Cupcake.”

“I’m too heavy, Logan,” she insists, a flash of worry dancing across her face.

Sliding my hand along her jaw and up into her hair, I reassure her, “I’ve held you like this several times.”

She swallows hard. “Yeah, but this will be longer than just a minute or two.”

“You clearly don’t understand how worked up you’ve got me right now. A minute or two might be all you get,” I quip, only joking a little. I’m way too close to the edge, but if she’s giving me permission to fuck her against the wall like this, I’m taking it. “Come on, Hal. I’ve got you. Trust me.” Then, I place my mouth against hers, this time in a more gentle, tender kiss.

She reciprocates, sliding her tongue against mine and her hands up my chest. When she wraps her arms around my neck, I lift at the waist, carefully bunching her dress up around her hips. As her legs settle around me, I make sure we’re in the best position possible and carefully reach between us. Hallie lifts and shimmies until my cock is nudging her entrance. With her lips pressed to mine, I lower her onto me, filling her completely in one long stroke.

It's euphoric.


Pure fucking heaven.

With her back pressed to the wall, I use my arms and legs to move, but she’s having a hard time keeping her legs locked with those cowboy boots still on her feet. Since I have no intention of letting her take them off, I decide to try a different position.

“Hang on,” I tell her, even though she’s anchored pretty tightly to my body.

Turning, I shuffle toward the edge of the bed, wishing I would have been smart enough to take my shoes and pants off. When I reach my destination, I lay her down on the corner of the bed and stand, my cock still buried in her. This position is perfect. She’ll be comfortable on the bed, with me standing between her open legs.

Reaching down, I give the chest of her dress a tug, causing her ample tits to spill out of the material. I slide my cock out, leaving in just the tip, and ask, “No panties? No bra?”

She smiles up at me, a wicked little grin that makes my balls heavy and my cock ache to thrust. “Let’s get back to the task at hand,” she encourages, the heels of her boots digging into my lower back as she tries to pull me forward using her legs.

Reaching behind my back, I unlock her legs and slide my arms under her knees. It opens her up and gives me one hell of a view. She gathers her dress around her waist to keep it out of the way as I thrust forward. Seeing her lying before me, her legs spread and her tits bouncing free from the top of her dress is like something straight out of my wildest fantasies.

My hips piston forward over and over on their own accord, and my eyes feast on the sight. Hallie groans with each thrust, her internal muscles starting to tighten. “Reach down and touch yourself, Hal. Get there. Now.”

One hand moves to her clit as she frantically strokes her index finger over the sensitive nub, while the other goes to her nipples. She rolls and pinches the first one, then the second, before starting over again. Her grip on my cock tightens, and I know she’s close. My balls start to draw up, the tingling beginning at the base of my spine. I’m ready to come, but need to make sure she does too.

Just then, she erupts. Her pussy squeezes me like a vise as she cries out, triggering my own release. I follow her over the edge, drawing out every ounce of pleasure our bodies possess, and even when it’s over, I still move. My body does it all on its own, savoring the feel of her wrapped around me.

When all that’s left are the shudders, I lean forward, covering her with my chest and finding her lips with mine. This kiss is much more leisurely, yet just as pleasurable.

I move my head to the crook of her neck and just breathe her in. Hallie wraps her arms around me and sighs in contentment. I try to ignore how right this all feels. Her legs hitched over my hips, her tits pressed against my bare chest, and my spent cock still buried inside her. It’s the perfect end to the night, even if neither one of us wants to admit it.

A warm puff of air tickles my shoulder. “You’re not spending the night.”

“Too bad. I was hoping for round two. I haven’t had my mouth on you yet,” I mutter.

I feel her shiver in anticipation, but don’t push the issue. If I’m going to stay, it’s not because I sweet-talked my way into it. Slowly, I pick myself up off her and slide my cock out of her body, making a huge mess as I do. I quickly grab a discarded shirt and slip it between her open legs. Reaching down, I pull my pants up to my ass, careful not to pinch anything so I can head to her bathroom and clean up.

Inside the space, I grab a washcloth and wet it with warm water. Once I’ve taken care of my mess, I retrieve a second washcloth so I can do the same for Hallie. Returning to the bedroom, I find she’s moved up to where she sleeps, having kicked off her boots and tossed them onto the floor. Her dress is there too, which leaves her completely naked, except for a balled-up T-shirt between her legs. It’s hard not to notice how incredibly beautiful she is in this moment.

“I brought you a washcloth to clean up,” I tell her.

She reaches out, so I place the material in her hand. Trying to give her a bit of privacy, I finish righting my boxers and jeans before fastening the button and zipper. When I’m done, I look up and find her watching me.

“It’s awfully late,” she says softly, holding my gaze. “You might as well stay.”
