Page 51 of Pretty Drunk

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“The good news is that usually levels out by the second trimester.” Dr. Bergman looks at Logan and smiles, offering her hand. “I’m Dr. Mona Bergman.”

“Logan Johnson. I’m the father.”

“Nice to meet you, Logan. We’ll take great care of both mother and baby.” She grabs a seat at the counter and types on the tablet. “All right, so I see the first day of your last period was July fifteenth. That puts your due date at April twentieth.”

All I can do is smile.

We go through a few more questions and discuss what to expect at today’s appointment and the ones that follow. When the basics are covered, she stands up and says, “I’m going to do a pelvic exam, and then we’ll get to the good part and take a look at the baby.”

I take a deep breath and lie back, hating this part any other time it’s done, let alone with Logan in the room too. I know what’s coming next, so I place my feet in the stirrups as Dr. Bergman drapes a paper sheet over my legs. With my eyes closed, I pretend I’m not in this exact predicament, lying on a table with my legs spread for my OB-GYN, all while Logan looks on from his place behind me. I know he can’t see anything, but it’s still incredibly mortifying.

“All right, all done with that part. Now, we’re going to take a peek at the baby,” she informs us, pulling the ultrasound machine over to the table. “We’re doing a transvaginal ultrasound today, since we get a better picture of the baby this way at this stage of the pregnancy. This will be a little cold at first,” she informs me, prepping the wand.

Exhaling, I close my eyes once more as she starts to do her thing. I feel a warm hand rest at the side of my head, his fingers dancing along my hairline. I don’t know what it is about his touch, but it instantly soothes and calms me.

“I’m going to take a few quick measurements,” Dr. Bergman announces, drawing my attention back to her. I hear her tap on the keyboard and feel her move the wand as my anticipation grows wildly.

Finally, she turns the screen toward me. “Okay, let’s have a look. This is your uterus,” she says, running her finger around the circle on the screen before pointing to a small little bean, “And this…this is your baby.”

A gasp spills from my lips as my eyes blur. I stare at the screen, to the human growing within me, and let a few tears fall. The feeling in my chest is instant, the love growing showing no bounds. I fall in love with that little spot on the screen immediately.

I feel Logan’s hand wrap around mine moments before his other hand wipes away the moisture seeping from my eyes. I risk a glance his way as he moves to stand at my shoulder and am shocked to find his own eyes a little misty. He holds my gaze and smiles, the sweetest and sexiest grin I’ve ever seen in my life.

Together, we return our sight to the screen and watch as the doctor captures a few pictures for us to take home. The ultrasound doesn’t last nearly as long as I’d like, but only because I think I could sit and stare at the screen for hours on end.

“Okay, everything looks really good. We’ll see you back here in four weeks. I’m going to send a prescription to your pharmacy on file for some prenatal vitamins, and if the morning sickness becomes too much, call the office. Do you have any questions?” she asks after standing up and moving the ultrasound machine back over to the corner of the room.

“I don’t think so,” I say, glancing at Logan for confirmation.

He shakes his head also, and it’s in that moment I realize he’s still holding my hand.

“All right, well, congratulations to you both. We’ll see you back in four weeks.”

When we’re left alone, I drop my legs from the stirrups and try to sit up. Logan is there, helping me, before moving back to the head of the table and turning around. “I’ll give you a few minutes.”

Quickly, I redress, tossing the paper sheet in the trash can and the gown on the table. “I’m all set.”

He turns back around and smiles. There’s a lightness in his dark eyes I didn’t see before, exhilaration mixed with eagerness, and it makes my heart happy. We leave the room, taking the ultrasound photos Dr. Bergman left for us on the counter, and head for the front reception area, where I make my next appointment. I choose a late afternoon timeslot, so I don’t have to miss school and it’s easier for Logan to attend too. Something tells me he’s going to be by my side at every single one, and I’m surprised to find I’m okay with that. In fact, I want him here.

The drive back to Pine Village is filled with chitchat. “When do you think you want to tell everyone?” he asks as he pulls onto the highway that leads us home.

“Well, originally, I was thinking of waiting until I’m past the first trimester, when the risk of miscarriage is less, but now that we’ve had that appointment and I’ve seen the baby, I kinda want to tell everyone now,” I reply honestly.

He glances over and smiles. “Me too.”

“Okay, so what about this weekend?”

“I’m fine with that. I’ll go with you to visit your parents.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I tell him, but one look my way lets me know it’s not up for negotiation.

“I want to be there, Hal. I want them to know I’ll be there every step of the way, and that includes telling them they’re going to be grandparents.”

“Times two. I’ll be due a little over a month after Gabe and Blair.”

“That’s right. Your parents will be on cloud nine.”

“Oh, I’m certain they will, but if you go with me, will it give the wrong impression? We’re not together.”
