Page 66 of Pretty Drunk

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But I’m okay. I’m alive. I wasn’t home when the fire started, and from what I’ve gathered, neither were my neighbors. They’re a sweet young couple named Lilly and Jason Smithers, and from what I’ve gathered from our brief chats since they moved in a few months back, he works for the railroad and is gone throughout the week and she’s a registered nurse at the hospital in Hudson.

As if thinking of her conjures her up, Lilly comes running toward where we stand. “Oh my God, that’s my place,” she hollers, trying to get someone’s attention on the opposite side of the barriers.

“Lilly,” I yell, moving toward her.

She’s crying and throws her arms around my neck. “What happened? I just got off work and saw the lights.”

“I don’t know what happened,” I tell her. “Someone is supposed to let me know more soon.”

“I just can’t believe this,” she cries, wiping at her tears.

“I’m sorry,” I find myself telling her, squeezing her arm in support.

“I need to call Jason. He’s down in Illinois working this week,” she mumbles, digging for her cell phone.

“Go make the call. I’ll be here and let you know if someone has any info for us,” I tell her.

While she walks away to call her husband, I find myself leaning against Logan and resting my head on his shoulder. “What am I going to do?” I whisper to no one in particular.

“Baby steps, Hal. We’ll take it day by day, minute by minute. Don’t get yourself stressed out. It’s not good for the baby,” Logan murmurs, kissing the top of my head and holding me close.

I exhale. “I know I should probably tell you you’re right, but I’m not gonna,” I retort, a touch of sass evident in my voice.

“That’s more like it.”

While we wait, TD and Ellie join us, as does Marcus, another friend and former classmate who is the local mechanic. Lilly returns, letting me know her husband has left work and is driving home to be with her. One of the neighbors brought bottles of water out to us, but I’m too hyped up and worried to drink anything. Logan won’t have it, however, and keeps holding the bottle out to me, encouraging me to take small drinks to keep hydrated. I want to yell at him that a few hours without a drink of water isn’t going to make me dehydrated, but I just don’t want to fight right now.

Plus, it’s kinda sweet how he keeps trying to take care of me.

“There’s Gary,” Gabe announces, pointing to the fire chief. “He’s coming this way.”

I stand up straight and prepare for what he’s about to tell us. Lilly moves closer and is standing directly beside me.

“Are you the other occupant?” he asks Lilly when he approaches.

“I am. Lilly Smithers. My husband is on his way home from Illinois.”

He nods. “I’m Chief Franklin. We don’t know all the specifics right now, but we do know the fire seems to have originated in the second unit, the one occupied by the Smithers. Once we’re sure we’ve taken care of the major flames, we’ll go inside both units and take a look around and see what kind of damage you’re looking at, but for now, you both need to make arrangements for a while. The fire marshal will come tomorrow and be able to hopefully determine the cause of the fire. The Red Cross is also here, over by the ambulances, as is your landlord, Mr. Fitzgerald. You’re both welcome to go over and speak with them.”

“Thank you, Gary,” I reply, trying to comprehend what he said.

“Thank you,” Lilly adds before he returns to his post to continue his job. “I’m going to go over and talk to Mr. Fitzgerald.”

“I’ll be there in a minute,” I tell her, taking a few deep breaths.

“I can’t stay here tonight.”

“You can stay with us,” Gabe pipes up and offers.

“Yes, we have a nice guest room,” Blair chimes in with a nod.

“I don’t want to impose,” I start, though I have to admit, staying with them would be better than moving back in with my parents.

“You’ll stay with me.”

My eyes narrow as I turn to glare at the owner of that voice. “Excuse me? I don’t take orders from you.”

He rolls his eyes and crosses his arms over his chest. “Today you do.”

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