Page 83 of Pretty Drunk

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“No, nothing,” she replies, understanding what I was meaning. “I hate that we’re both pregnant and she’s not.”

“Me too. I was hopeful there’d be a honeymoon baby,” I reply.

“Me too. It’ll happen for them. I feel it.”

I hope she’s right. Ellie is an amazing mother to Brody, and I know there’s nothing she wants more than to have a child with TD.

“How’s everything else going?” she asks, sipping her water.

“Okay. Fine. I’m looking for a new place.”

She looks at me in confusion. “You are? I thought things were going well with you at Logan’s.”

I shrug, reaching for a napkin and tearing off the corner. “It was—is. But I can’t stay with him forever,” I state with a chuckle.

“Why not?”

“Because we’re not together. I don’t live with him.”

She arches a single eyebrow upward. “Does he know that?”

“Of course he does. We’ve never made promises,” I insist, rolling the small scrap of napkin into a long string.

“Yeah, but…things change.”

“Not this. It’s too complicated, and we don’t need things to be more complicated, Blair. We’re having a baby, yes, but that’s all it will ever be. We barely get along,” I reply with a humorous laugh, mostly because I realize I don’t even recall when our last argument was.

“Just don’t rush into anything—” she starts, but I cut her off.

“This is the perfect time to rush, Blair. It’s almost the holidays. I’m starting to show. I’m going to need to start setting up a nursery and getting ready for the baby. It’s the perfect time for me to find my own place, so I can get settled. Besides, I’m certain he’s ready to get back to his own place. It’s closer to work, and with the weather changing and the snow coming, the last thing we need is to be trapped out at the cabin. Being in town, near our jobs and necessities, is the right move.”

My oldest friend just stares back at me. Her eyes are mostly curious. I don’t see any irritation or shock; it’s like she’s trying to understand.

“What does Logan say?”

I shrug and look away.

“You haven’t asked him what he wants?”

“Of course not. It’s not his decision.”

“No, but he should have some input, don’t you think?”

Again, I don’t really have an answer, at least not one she’s going to like. “Listen, I need to do this. Logan and I didn’t go into this arrangement with any preconceived notions. Yes, we’re having a baby, but we’re not in love. We’ll raise the baby together, living in two separate households. That was the plan from the beginning, right?”

She nods. “I guess.”

“Good. It’s how it has to be. I know I said it already, but I need to do this. For me. I need to move forward.”

Blair gives me a small grin laced with sadness. “Okay, let’s look for a place for you to live.”

Chapter Twenty-Four


I finish inputting the last of the hours into the computer, letting the system do its thing. If I had to manually figure payroll deductions and taxes, I’d be in a world of trouble. No way could I do everything by hand the way my grandfather and father did before me. Thankfully, there are software programs to help with this sort of thing.

“I need more.”
