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“I love you like I love my own sister, and I hate that you’re so hard on yourself. I wish you could see yourself the way everyone else sees you.”

Taylor snuggled in close to my other side, sandwiching me between them. “Dean’s right.”

He cupped his hand around his ear. “Say that again. A little louder, if you please.”

She ignored him. “Liam loves you. All you have to do is remind him why. If he’s upset you left, show him you won’t leave him again. Even when you’re scared or don’t trust yourself, you have to show him that you trust him with your heart. Because you do, right?”

I reached for a tissue from the box on the coffee table. “But how do I show him that I trust him to take care of me like I want to take care of him? I won’t leave again if things get hard. How do I prove that? Ask him to marry me?”

Taylor rolled her eyes, and Dean shrugged, both of them speaking at the same time.

“Don’t be ridiculous.”

“If you want.”

That pushed a laugh out of my lungs, and…actually, that idea didn’t seem all that bad to me. I loved Liam. I loved Finn. I wanted to be with them for the rest of my life. Then again, I didn’t want to rush with him like I did with everything else in my life. I wanted to be thoughtful about my decisions, like Liam was.

I wrapped my arms around both my sister and Dean, yanking them in for a group hug. “You two are the best, even if your flirting is super weird. I love you.”

“Love you too, Kenny,” Taylor said with a squeeze to my cheeks as she backed away.

Dean pointed his finger at me. “You know I warned him, back in September. I told him he’d fall in love with you. Told him it was a little too easy with you.” When I flung myself at him, he laughed. “Love you, Ken.”

“You’re the best brother-in-law a girl could ask for.”

“Tell your sister that.”

Taylor stood with an irritated wave of her hand. “Oh my god, you two. You’re the worst.”

Dean and I grinned at each other, enjoying our little team.

“So, you want to finishMary Poppinsor what?” he asked, picking up the remote.

“Absolutely.” I leaned into his side, both of us bopping along to Bert and the penguins dancing.



“This better be good,” Dylan said, slumping down in a chair next to me at Walt’s. “Genevieve was in the middle of getting naked when I got the call.”

Nate dropped his head back to his shoulders. “Dude!”

“She’s been gone for six months, Paige has the kids, and all I want to do is bury my face between her legs, but?—”

Nate thumped down a beer in front of Dylan. “Seriously. I don’t want to hear details about what you’re doing with my sister.”

“You were the one who called me. We thought something was wrong,” Dylan said as he lifted his beer to his mouth.

“There is something wrong.” Nate pointed to me, and Dylan’s eyes widened as if seeing me for the first time.

“What happened to you?”

I didn’t bother answering, only took another gulp of my Guinness.

From the other side of me, Jude leaned his elbow on the bar, saying, “Kennedy left him.”

“Shit, man, I’m sorry.” Dylan furrowed his brows. “Where’s Finn?”
