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“The toys will hurt our feet if we step on them. So come on, let’s pick up.” I handed him one of the canvas bins, but as I began to toss toys into another, the front door opened.

I startled and stood, my heart racing as Liam stepped inside.

“Daddy!” Finn raced to his father. I wasn’t far behind.

We threw ourselves at him, and he laughed, catching us both in a hug. “Quite a welcome home.”

“How’d it go?” I asked, skipping pleasantries. “I’ve been dying.”

“You’vebeen dying?” His mouth crooked in the half smile I loved so much.

I thumped his shoulder, but I already knew the answer from the way his hands curled around my waist. “Did you get it?”

He answered with a grin.

“Ah!” I threw my arms around him, squealing. “Congratulations. I’m so proud of you!”

“Up! Up!” Finn whacked my leg, demanding to be picked up, so I grabbed him and smooshed him between us in a group hug.

“Did you hear that? Daddy got tenure! That means he’s really smart and a good teacher.”

Finn held his arms up, hands curled into fists as he cheered. Liam and I laughed, alternating kissing his cheeks, which only made him giggle and wriggle around.

“Okay.” I put Finn down and clapped a few times. “I’m going to open up the champagne. Finn, you keep cleaning up. We’re going to have dinner in a few minutes.”

I skipped up to the kitchen and popped the champagne, pouring it into the flutes I’d bought since I’d convinced Liam we’d be hosting parties and needed them. Not that he’d say no to anything I wanted. I could tell him I wanted to paint the whole house pink, and he’d bring home samples for me to choose between salmon or rose.

Really, he spoiled me.

I set the table and called the boys up. “Dinner’s ready!”

I waited, and when I heard laughter instead of footsteps, I poked my head around the wall, peering downstairs. “What are you two doing? Come on.”

“I’m being attacked by a triceratops,” Liam called, and I smiled to myself as I dished out the ravioli.

A minute and a few screeches later, Liam appeared with Finn on his back, both of them roaring.

I propped my hands on my hips, taking in my boys with their matching smiles and wavy, overly long hair, their heads tilted at the exact same angle. “Only humans get to eat ravioli. Dinos can’t hold forks.”

“You hear that? We have to be humans again.”

“Avliolis!” Finn shouted, and Liam nodded.

“Yeah, if you want ravioli, you have to be a human.” Liam stage-whispered to Finn, “Kennedy says so.”

I playfully whacked at him then took Finn in my arms, smooching his cheek before sitting him down in his chair. “I think we should celebrate tonight and watch a movie,” I said, setting a plate down in front of Finn. “What do you think, babes? What movie should we watch?”

He didn’t answer, instead diving straight into the food.

I circled back around to the stove and started to dish ravioli onto plates for Liam and me, but he interrupted with a kiss to my neck. “You know the later we stay up with a movie, the less timewehave to celebrate.”

I nudged him back with my butt against his groin, and he groaned quietly. Biting my lip, I deposited the plates on the table then twirled around to pick up the flutes, handing one to him. He tugged me close, drifting his free hand over my hip and ass. He took a sip of the bubbly then twisted the glass in his hand. “I’m surprised you didn’t get these printed or monogrammed with something.”

“‘I’m with the Hot Professor’ is a little too long to put on a glass.”

He waggled his head side to side. “A T-shirt, maybe?”

I sipped from my drink. “There’s an idea.”
