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“The sex talk. Are you deliberately trying to throw me off?”

I’d rewound my words and promptly shut my mouth. “Nope. Sorry.”

She’d loosened her white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel, and took a deep breath before relaxing her shoulders infinitesimally.

Now, I watched her profile as she focused intently on the road. The afternoon sun lit up her flawless skin and highlighted the dark hair she had tied up on the top of her head. I’d gotten used to how stylish she was, with her clothes and jewelry, but I liked her like this. Casual with no makeup, in an oversized hoodie and leggings.

Although, last night had been like a slap to the face, seeing her in those painted-on jeans and the top with her tits practically spilling out. She’d gone from cute nanny to siren, and I hadn’t been able to stop staring.

Which was a problem. Abigproblem.

As she’d sauntered down the sidewalk, glowing from the lights along the path, my eyes had been glued to her ass, big and round, and I’d had the very ungentlemanly urge to bite it. My mouth had literally watered, especially with her sugar-and-petal scent trailing after her.

I had spent the rest of the night attempting to forget the dark-red color of her lips. I’d reminded myself that she was Finn’s nanny and far too young for me to be thinking about sinking between her luscious thighs and kissing her there, talking her through it in a totally different environment.

Shifting in my seat, I willed my dick to chill the fuck out and turned up the volume of the radio. Some pop song I was unfamiliar with played, but Kennedy sang along to the lyrics about being jealous of the pillow against your cheek and the steering wheel under your fingers, and it felt like she was speaking my thoughts aloud.

“You have a really good voice,” I said when the song ended.

“Thanks.” She shrugged. “I hadn’t realized I was singing.”

“No? I wonder what you’d sound like when you did it on purpose.”

She double-checked her mirrors before changing lanes again. “The same but louder.”

I chuckled and rested my forearm on the door. “You like to sing?”

“Yeah. It relaxes me, keeps me company.”

“You ever perform anywhere?”

She waited until she took the exit off the highway to answer. “When I was a kid, yeah. I love musicals, and I used to do this theater camp in middle school, but once I started having seizures, I stopped. I was afraid of what might happen.”

I nodded in understanding. She had given up a lot for a long time, and I didn’t want her to do that anymore. “You should do it again.”

She turned to me at a red light. “Do what?”

“Sing, act, perform.”

She laughed off my suggestion.

“No, really. If you love it, you should do it.”

“I doubt I could.”

“Coming from the same girl who stomped over to me at Walt’s, demanding I hand my kid to her.”

“I didnotstomp or demand.”

“Politely persuaded,” I said, earning a smile. “You should do it. Join a choir or something. You’d be great.”

The light changed to green, and she drove through it. “I don’t know.”

“Come on, be brave.” I motioned out of the windshield. “Like now. Conquering your fear.”

“I’m only doing this because you promised to take me to Ulta.”

“I’ll double the money,” I offered, and she wolf whistled.
