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Finn and I both shouted, “Boo!” while Liam stayed silent.

“Ah, come on, O’Neil. Where’s your Halloween spirit?” Dylan asked, and I didn’t expect Liam’s voice to drop two octaves, almost menacing.

“I don’t need a knife or axe to murder you.”

Dylan smirked into his tumbler. “That’s the spirit.”

Jude finished and returned my phone to me. “All right.” He clapped his hands so all the kids spun toward him. “Rules are, we stay together, use our manners, and stick with a buddy.”

Tucker and Finn paired off, along with Amelia and Scarlett, while Sebastian lunged for Dylan, leaving Jude and Liam to pair up.

“I hate you,” Liam murmured to Jude, who tossed his head back, laughing.

“Man, you’resowelcome. ’Kay, team, let’s head out.”

I stood at the door, waving. “Have fun and be safe!”

Liam was the last to leave. “Last chance. You can still come with us.”

I shook my head, the bowl of candy at my hip. “I’ll be here, watchingHocus Pocusand handing out candy.”

“You absolutely sure?”


His hand skimmed my hip as he reached for the door. “See you in a bit.”



Iwas barely able to sit for the first hour of trick-or-treat, but once the rush was over, I flopped down on the couch just as Winifred, Mary, and Sarah put all the townspeople under a spell at the dance.

Jordan and I had been texting me pretty regularly ever since I’d told him I got the role of Tracy. He kept telling me how proud he was, and over the last few weeks, it had been harder and harder to ignore his requests. Earlier, when he’d asked if we could FaceTime tonight, I’d agreed.

If only to help me get over…whatever this was I felt for Liam.

“Hey, baby,” he said with a smile when I answered his call. His dark hair drooped over his forehead as if he was leaning over his phone.

“What are you doing?”

“Folding laundry.”

“Look at you.” I laughed because Jordan would rather run to the closest Walmart for a new package of Hanes T-shirts than do a load of laundry.

“I told you. New leaf.”

I brought my cell phone with me as I answered the door for a trio of older kids, probably in middle school. “Hey, happy Halloween!”

The kids all held their bags up to me, thanking me once I’d dropped candy into them before scampering off. That was when Jordan chuckled.

“What?” I held my phone up to find him grinning on my screen.

“You’re so peppy. It’s adorable.”

That was the thing about Jordan. He handed out compliments like candy to trick-or-treaters. Never stingy and always sweet. It was why it was so hard for me to understand his fits of jealousy or rage. Like the flip of a switch.

“You know I love Halloween,” I said, and he let out a smug sound.
