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“We’re going out tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Why not? I haven’t seen you in so long, and I promised to take you out to celebrate getting the part in the play.”

“Musical,” I corrected, and he sniffed a laugh.

“Yeah, whatever. Lemme take you out.”

I finished placing the cupcakes on the plastic mummy tray I’d bought. “I don’t know about tomorrow. I’ve got rehearsal.”

“On the weekend?”

I nodded. “It’s just me, the music director, and Will. He was sick last week, so we need to go over one of our songs since he’s been out.”

“Who’s Will?”

“The guy playing my mom.”


I looked at my screen with a raised brow.

“A guy is playing your mom?”

“Yeah. The character is based on a real-life drag queen.”

Jordan snorted and tousled his hair. I didn’t like his flippant response, a mixture of disgust and disinterest.

“So, I don’t think I’ll be able to go out tomorrow,” I said, but he was undeterred.

“Okay, how about Sunday?”

“I don’t know,” I hedged. “I have some errands to run.”

“Okay. I’ll run errands with you.”

“Since when?”

“Since now.”

“You’re going to drive down here to take me to the grocery store and Target to buy food and Pull-Ups?” When he didn’t answer, I lifted my shoulder likeSee?

He rolled his eyes. “Come on, Ken. You’re killing me.”

I wanted to remind him that I wasn’t the one who’d brought up the idea of us going out. He was getting annoyed at me, but it wasn’t as if he ever asked what my schedule was like.

“I’m trying,” he told me, and I knew he was. He was trying to show me he could be a good boyfriend. I just wasn’t sure how interested I was anymore.

Although, I supposed, I’d have to spend time with him to know that for sure.

He tried again. “Next week?”

“Yeah. Maybe.”

“Maybe.” He huffed. “Don’t you want to see me?”

“Yeah,” I said, injecting as much enthusiasm as I could because I didn’t want to hurt his feelings, “but you know how busy I am. With the show and Finn and?—”

“I miss you, baby. You tell me when and where, and I’ll be there.”
