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It was so natural for her to hold Finn as we chatted, and I was suddenly too warm. After pushing the sleeves of my sweater up my forearms, I nudged my bowl of chili away and caught my breath.

Kennedy appeared to notice my mini panic attack as she grinned at me.

Killing me. She was killing me slowly. Every day, little by little, stealing pieces of my sanity and heart.

I dropped my gaze to the table. “So, about this haircut…”

My hair was a mix of waves and curls, and I’d long ago given up on styling it. Unless I basically shaved it down to a crew cut, there was no way it didn’t look a mess, but any time I did cut it short, my mother about had a heart attack. She loved my hair. Told me I was blessed with a great mane, and it was a mistake to ever buzz it.

“Do you want me to do it?” Kennedy offered. “I could shape it up for you.”

“You would?”

“Of course.” She set Finn down when he wiggled, and he ran to the living room. “It is the one thing I’m actually trained for.”

I considered her offer with a tilt of my head. “Do we need to go to a barber shop or something?”

“No. I’ve got everything I need. We can do it here, whenever you want.”

I sucked my lips between my teeth, thinking for a moment. I couldn’t remember the last haircut I’d gotten. It was before Kennedy had arrived. Maybe even before Tessa had left. Single parenting severely cut into my personal time. “Yeah. Okay. Let’s do it tonight.”

She clapped a few times, bouncing in her chair before reaching out to my head. “I’ve been wanting to get my hands into your hair for ages.”

Then she immediately clammed up, as if realizing she’d said something inappropriate. Not that I’d minded.

Though I absolutely should have. I was her boss. She was my son’s nanny. I shouldn’t have felt a hot fissure of desire split my stomach. Yet, here I was, staring at her round face and those big eyes, my blood pumping straight to my dick at the mere thought of her touching my hair.

She cleared her throat and stood. “I’ll let you finish your dinner and get Finn ready for bed while the pie bakes.”

Two hours later, the kitchen was cleaned up after dinner and dessert of pie and ice cream, and Finn was all tucked into bed. I quietly pulled his bedroom door closed and poked my head into Kennedy’s room. “Hey.”

She peeked over her shoulder at me. “Hey.”

“You ready to…” I snipped my fingers by my temple.

“Yep.” She held up a small bag. “All set.”

“Where should we do it?’

“I want to wash your hair, so somewhere with a sink. The kitchen or bathroom.”

I gestured toward my room. “Is my bathroom okay?”

She nodded a little jerkily, her smile a bit shaky. I trusted Kennedy, and I didn’t think she’d give me a mullet, but I could feel her nervous energy as she followed me to my en suite bathroom.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, as I scooped up a towel and yesterday’s clothes from the floor to toss them in the hamper. “Lemme just…” I put away a few of my personal items, my toothbrush and razor, wiped the toothpaste out from the sink, and put the toilet seat down before turning sheepishly to Kennedy.

She raised her brow at me. “Do you need a sticker chart for in here?”

“That’d probably be good, yeah.”

She visibly relaxed and set her rainbow bag down on the counter. “Can you pull a chair in here?”

I popped back out into the hall to snag a chair from the kitchen. It was small enough that it wouldn’t take up much room. My house was a good size, but my bathroom was…cozy. With the shower, toilet, and double sinks at the vanity, there wasn’t a whole lot of walking room.

By the time I returned, she pointed to the space in front of the sink and had a clean bath towel in her other hand. “Sit, please.”

She pinned the towel around my neck like a cape after I sat then guided me to lean back, my head over the sink I didn’t use. She ran the water over my hair, and it tickled behind my ears and down my spine, her fingers barely skimming over my skin. Yet, I felt iteverywhere.
