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Pulling up to Liam’s house, Jordan leaned over the console. “So, you mind if I come in?”

I tensed. “That’s not a good idea.”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s not my home.” While that was technically true, I didn’t think Liam would ever mind if I had friends over.ButI did think he’d mind Jordan at his house. “I can’t invite random people over.”

“I’m not a random person. I’m your boyfriend.”

“Ex-boyfriend,” I corrected, and the way his eyebrow slowly arched told me I was in for a fight.

“Wow. You really gonna keep treating me like shit, huh?”

“How am I treating you like shit?”

“You keep me hanging on for all these weeks, and now you’re gonna ice me out?”

I recoiled at his bitter tone. “I’m not icing you out.”

“No? Then what do you call all this?” He waved a hand in the air around our heads. “You leading me on this whole fucking time. Telling me I had a chance.”

“That’s not fair for you to accuse me of leading you on. I did no such thing!” I knew I shouldn’t have shouted, but he always did this. Turned everything around like it was my fault. My eyes burned with tears.

“You’re such a little liar, you know that? First, you tell me you never wanted kids, and now, you’re refusing to admit you’ve been jerking me around this whole time. You’ve been jerking me around for fuckingmonths.”

I didn’t need to put up with this anymore. With my hand on the door handle, I told him good night and hopped out of the car, wiping at my face. I didn’t want to cry in front of him. I didn’t want to give him that power over me.

But a moment later, Jordan was stomping around the hood. “Don’t pretend like you didn’t lead me on for weeks, texting and flirting.” He grabbed my wrist, hauling me back to him with a bruising grip. “Everyone thinks you’re so sweet, but I see through you. You’re nothing but an attention whore.”

I tried to pull away, but he held me tight, his fingers biting into my skin. “Let go. You’re hurting me.”

His other hand sank into my hair, pulling it savagely so I was forced to meet his gaze. “Who is it?”

I attempted to wrestle away from him but only managed to bring myself more pain, the nerve endings on my scalp screaming from how tightly he held my hair. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. Let me go,” I practically whimpered. “Please!”

“Who’re you fucking? Somebody from your show? That guy you’re always talking about?” He sneered, pulling my face closer to his. “Or your boss. Getting paid to fuck him while living in his house, huh?”

“Shut up!” I batted at him, desperate to get away. But before I could say anything else or push away from him again, a muffled noise came from behind me, and suddenly I was wrenched backward.

“I believe she told you to let her go.”

When I realized who it was, I very nearly wept in relief. “Liam.”



The last few days had been weird. More than weird, it was uncomfortable. Wanting to touch Kennedy, make her smile, spend time together with her and Finn, when I couldn’t. Not after what’d happened in the bathroom.

Not after I heard the need in her voice then saw Jordan calling. No matter that she said he was still her ex, she wasn’t fooling anybody. I knew she was going out with him tonight. Her sweet face was terrible at keeping secrets and lying. Those dark yet sparkling eyes were an open book.

I knew she wouldn’t want to hurt my feelings and actually admit she was getting dressed up in those godforsaken knee-high boots and her tight sweater dress forhim. But I knew.

I just didn’t know why she was still attracted to him. From the little she’d told me about him, he’d broken her heart before.

Strike one.

And he didn’t even get out of his car. Instead, he beeped his horn for her to come out of the house.
