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I shook my head and spoke my answer against his mouth. “No.”

He groaned as my tongue slid against his, and goose bumps broke out all over my skin. Almost three months of working for this man, admiring him but never thinking I could ever actually have him, and here I was, nearly delirious from his kisses.

His mouth drifted from mine, blazing a path to my throat as his hands explored my body, roaming over my shoulders and breasts, down my sides to my thighs, which he squeezed roughly. “Jesus, Kennedy.”

I groaned at the pained sound of my name. “Mm-hmm.”

“We need to talk about this,” he murmured against my ear before nipping it, and I gasped.


With little more than a muttered, “Come here, angel,” he hoisted me onto his lap, clamping his hands on to my hips and ever so slightly thrusting up so his erection slotted between my legs.

I rolled my hips over the hard length of him, and both of us moaned.

“I’ve wanted you for so long,” he said, his fingertips digging into me, urging me on, and when I widened my knees, sinking lower, he angled his chin out to me. “Take off your top.”

I hesitated. First, because I was uncomfortable undressing in front of other people for the first time. I’d always been on the chubbier side, but since I’d started a new medication a few years ago, I’d gained a lot of weight. I wouldn’t say I had low self-esteem, but knowing my body could betray me, at literally any moment, I wasn’t super confident in it to begin with. Plus, this was Liam “Hot Professor” O’Neil. Of course I was intimidated by him.

“Let me see you.” His blue eyes went dark and heavy-lidded, even as the corner of his mouth kicked up sinfully. “I’ve been dying for it.”

And that’s what did it.

Crossing my arms over my middle, I held the opposite hem with my hands and lifted my sweatshirt over my head, baring myself to him because he wanted me. If I couldn’t believe it before, I did now.

Slipping his hand up my spine, he pushed against my back, positioning my breasts closer to his face so he could suck one of my nipples into his mouth. He let out a hungry sound, and it reverberated through every single cell in my body then pooled deep in my belly. I was hot and wet and already swollen. “Liam,” I breathed, placing my hands on his shoulders to rub my clit along his cock, “I need…”

“What? What do you need, angel?”

I licked my dry lips, my chest heaving with each breath. “More.”

“Of my mouth?” he asked, then licked at the tip of one nipple while he rolled the other between his fingers. “Or my hand.”

“Both,” I answered on an exhale.

His warm breath ghosted across my breasts when he laughed. “My greedy girl.”

A moment later, he sank his fingers below the waistband of my leggings and toyed with not only the material of my underwear but my sanity as well.

My blood pulsed thick in my veins, settling between my thighs, and I ached for relief, arching my back in an attempt to get him to touch me. I could feel him smile against my breastbone when he kissed me, rasping, “I love how needy you are. Writhing all over me.”

I whimpered. “Liam, please,please, touch me.”

“Hearing you beg makes my dick so hard,” he practically growled, a moment before he angled me back, providing him room to stroke his fingers down my slit, teasing at my opening. “I would never refuse you anything, you know that?” He pressed his fingers against my clit, circling lightly, as he licked and sucked his way across my chest.

“I have a confession,” he said after releasing my nipple from his mouth, my skin glistening from his treatment, and I had a hard time following his train of thought. How could I concentrate on anything besides his fingers and mouth torturing me so sweetly?


With his hand in my hair, he dragged my head closer to him, forcing me to focus on him. “Last month, on that day I came home early because of midterm break, I saw you.”

“What? What do you mean?”

Drawing two fingers down the length of my pussy, he brought more of my wetness back to my clit, circling and circling until I was quivering in his hold. “Finn was taking a nap, and you had taken a shower but left your bedroom door open. I saw you naked, and I had to go lock myself in my room to masturbate.”

“You…saw me…naked?”

“I saw some of you. Enough to drive me out of my goddamn mind. I was hard instantly, and then I stroked myself off, imagining you under me and over me, and letting me touch you and kiss you and fuck you.”
