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I’d arrived home from Las Vegas at almost midnight on Sunday and found Liam waiting in the living room. I had texted him earlier that day about the flight issues—three times delayed!—but I hadn’t expected him to still be awake.

Without any words, he had opened his arms to me, and I all but collapsed into him. Between the time change and the hours I’d spent in the airport and then in the plane, I was beat. He’d held me tight, his hands locked at my back, as he kissed the top of my head then rested his chin against it. “Hi.”

“Hi,” I’d mumbled into his chest, earning a low laugh.

I wasn’t sure how long we’d stood there, hugging each other, but at some point, he had helped me upstairs, and I’d fallen face first into my pillow to sleep.

Days later, I was still exhausted, but for a whole other reason.

I’d spent the week in a blur of tech rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and last-minute issues. In one number, I’d had a costume change onstage, but the zipper had broken, and I’d missed my cue for the finale of the song, so I’d needed to stay late last night to make sure it was fixed.

Liam and I hadn’t had much time to talk in person over this last week because of my schedule, and a lot of our communication happened over text messages, letting each other know where we were and what time we’d be home. There were moments when I wanted to strip naked and kiss him, but I feared it would be too much and not enough, at the same time.

Sure, when he had pulled me into his lap and demanded I remove my shirt so he could see me, I knew he wanted me in that moment, but that didn’t mean he wanted me for the long haul. I was afraid to voice how I felt, only for him to tell me that it was a one-time thing. I was, after all, Finn’s nanny, and Liam was paying me.

I was sure Professor O’Neil had slides made up about the ethics of the situation. Although, I wasn’t all that interested in the ethics. I didn’t care.

Because I was falling for him.

And I didn’t think I could bear it if he fired me.

Because I loved Finn too.

So, I’d made sure to keep all of our conversations short, even though I could tell he wanted more time, especially this morning. I’d been up early, too nervous about opening night to sleep in, and was voraciously cleaning the cabinet under the sink…as people do.

He’d patted the back of my knee since I’d been lying down on my side, scraping gunk off the back wall…as people do.

Taken by surprise, I’d darted up, smacking my head in the process, which of course, led to a fair amount of whining from me and a few mumbled curses from him as he pulled an ice pack from the freezer for my head.

Conversation averted.

Now, minutes before the show, I stared at my cell phone and the last text from Liam on my screen.Break a leg out there tonight! Finn and I will be in the front row to cheer you on.

Knowing they were here was more nerve-racking than anyone else in the audience because I wanted to put on the best performance for them. I wanted to impress them. Even though Finn would probably be more excited by a Blippi video.

I slipped my phone into my bag and shook out my clammy hands as I made my way to the stage. I peeked out at the packed theater from backstage, and my heart swelled when I spotted Liam and Finn, in the front row, as promised. Finn was bopping around in his chair, a packet of goldfish in his hand, while Liam casually tossed his arm across the back of Finn’s chair, leaning down to say something in his ear.

I grinned.

And then Cathy gathered us all together because it was showtime.

Everything went perfectly, even my onstage costume change. The audience laughed in all the right places and gave Evelyn, the woman playing Motormouth Maybelle, a standing ovation after her song, “I Know Where I’ve Been.” But when the cast came together at the end for bows, it was the sight of Finn jumping and clapping that had me wiping away tears. Next to him, Liam beamed with pride, alternating applause and cupping his hands around his mouth to holler words I couldn’t quite make out in the noise.

The cast took a final bow and waved as the curtains closed before we all flew into one another’s arms. Christian swung me around, chuckling, Will swatted my butt, and Joanie laid a smacking kiss on my cheek.

I was floating on air by the time I changed and trotted out to the lobby. My sister promptly threw herself at me, hugging me tight.

“Kenny! You were amazing!” She rocked me side to side. “Even if I had to sit behind some asshole who wouldn’t stop sniffling the whole time.” She pulled away from me. “I mean, Jesus, use a tissue. It was disgusting. He?—”

“Hey, superstar.” Dean cut her off, throwing his arm around me. “You were great up there.”

“Thanks.” Still flushed from the lights and excitement, I couldn’t bear to keep my zip-up on anymore and dropped my bag to the floor before stripping off my sweatshirt, leaving me in only leggings and a tank top. “I’m so hot.”

Taylor fanned me with her program. “You want to go out and celebrate?”
