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Savanna Gentry has always been the only one for me and it’s about time I show her exactly that. The only problem is… how?

Gage is leaning against my desk when I walk into the station the next morning, a coffee in hand and a smile tipping at the corners of his mouth. “Travis, nice of you to grace everyone with your presence.”

I glance at the clock and frown. “I’m ten minutes early.”

He shrugs. “Always wanted to say that, not sure why. Anyway, something you want to tell me before we get started today?”

“Uh, not particularly.”

“Hm, that’s funny, because the entire town is going crazy about you and Savanna having a spat in the cafe yesterday. Unless they are wrong, of course.” He and I both know that nothing in this town is ever really a lie, especially when you have the right sources.

I groan. “I tried talking to her again, and it didn’t pan out. What else do you want me to say? I’m sure you’ve heard just about everything around town. What I tell you isn’t going to be much different than that.”

He hums in response and sets the coffee he was holding onto my desk before standing straight. “Looks like the kids are back at it again out at the old ranch. The boss wants us to check it out.”

I’m surprised at how quickly he changes the subject, but I’m sure it’s not going to last very long. I take a sip of the coffee, then follow him out the back door where the police vehicles are located, and he throws me the keys before slipping into the passenger side. Usually he’s not so eager to let me drive, preferring to do it himself, so there’s another surprise for the day.

We sit in silence as I head toward the ranch, already growing tired of having to do this almost every week. “You’d think they’d learn by now,” I mutter as I pull into the driveway that’s overgrown with weeds.

Gage scoffs. “Yeah, as if we would have if it were us.”

I smirk at him. “Thatwasus.”

“So you can understand why they keep coming out here.”

We pull to a stop outside the barn and I shake my head at the music blaring through the trees. At least if they are going to keep coming onto private property they could make sure not to be heard. I step up to the barn door and knock loudly, waiting until the music gets turned down to cross my arms over my chest. One of the kids pokes his head out, his eyes widening at the sight of us, and he curses to himself.

“Officer Travis, fancy seeing you here,” Marley mumbles.

“Mhm, sure. You know what’s coming next, right?”

He sighs and nods slowly. “Can you at least give me a ride home?”

“Who else is in there?”

His gaze doesn’t meet mine as he says, “No one.”

“If I find out anyone else is here, I’m going to arrest them.” I make sure I say it loud enough so that whoever else is in there can hear me, then look at Marley. “What will it be?”

There’s shuffling behind him and a girl squeezes through the opening of the barn doors, not bothering to look at me as she scurries through the thickness of weeds surrounding the place. I glare at Marley. “Anyone else hiding in there?”

Marley sighs and shakes his head. “No, sir.”

“Great, let’s get you home so we can tell your parents what you’re up to this morning.” Usually it’s the weekends when we come out here the most, but, like today, there are the shifts when we have to come here in the mornings during the week. Gage already has the back door open for us when we get to the car and I give him a curt nod before depositing Marley in the back seat.

It isn’t until after we’ve gotten Marley home and talked to his parents about what he was up to that Gage finally opens his big mouth. “So, you tried talking to Savanna, huh?”

I groan. “Really, now you decide to talk about it some more?”

He shrugs. “I was giving you some time to sit on it first. What happened yesterday?”

“The same thing that’s always going to happen. She doesn’t want anything to do with me and I’m going to listen to her this time.”

Gage eyes me curiously. “I find that hard to believe.”

“Have you seen the way she looks at me, dude?”

“Oh, I know she doesn’t want to be associated with you. I’m talking about you listening.” When I glance over at him, there’s amusement shining in his gaze. “I can tell you already have something up your sleeve, so talk to me.”
