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This morning I woke up with a new sense of determination. I’m not going to let Dawson pull me into his orbit, knowing he’ll just crush me all over again. If he wanted me so badly, he would’ve made an effort to get me before seven years passed. This ismerely a challenge for him and nothing more, so I refuse to give in to his incessant need to tell me how he feels.

There’s also the fact that every time he mentions something to me about his feelings my heart wants to believe everything he’s saying and give in.

First thing on my agenda is a visit with my dad which is why I’m knocking on his bedroom door. “Come in,” he mutters before falling into a fit of coughs.

He smiles when he sees me, ushering me into the crook of his arm. “Baby girl, I was hoping you’d come see me again.” I feel like a terrible daughter for not seeing him every day even though I’m staying under the same roof as him right now, but it hurts to see him like this and my heart can’t take it.

“Hey, Daddy, how are you feeling today?”

“The same as I have been, but let’s talk about this frown you have on your face.”

As much as I can’t wait to get back home, I also hate that I’m going to be leaving again so soon. It’s been forever since I’ve been here and now I’m practically skipping with joy to leave all because of Dawson and my stupid decisions.

I sigh and look up at him. “Work called; they need me back in Chicago. I’m leaving tomorrow.”

Although he’s upset, judging by his frown, he tries to hide it with a smile. “I’ve always been proud of the work you do; it was nice to have you here, baby girl. I hope you’ll come back. I doubt traveling is in the cards for me at the moment.”

Somehow, I had thought my Dad would still make the trip to me, but I guess that was a selfish thought for me to have. I nod slowly and cuddle into him, sinking into the safety of his embrace. There’s another man who makes me feel safe, except it’s different. While my dad’s hold is more like a blanket wrapped around me, keeping me protected in a bubble, Dawson’s safety is more aggressive – in a good way.

I know that if anyone were to harm me around Dawson, he would protect me to the ends of the earth.

That’s not what I came in here to think about though. There’s another knock on the door and Easton pokes his head through, frowning at the two of us. “What’s with the pity party?”

My dad chuckles while I push into a sitting position. “I just told Dad I’m heading back to Chicago tomorrow.”

Easton raises his eyebrows, then turns his attention to my dad without saying anything to my big news. “Mom wanted me to see if you were ready for your lunch.”

“I’ll never be ready for a vegetable tray, son, but tell her to bring it to me.”

I can’t imagine the rest of this time will go as smoothly, but at least he’s being a good sport about the change of diet. “Alright, I guess I’m going to get ready to say my goodbyes to everyone else. I love you, Dad. Stay healthy, will you?”

He smiles and wraps his arms around me tightly. “I’ll try my best, baby girl. Have a safe trip home.”

Easton is carrying the tray of vegetables inside just as I start toward the door, his eyes narrowed on me as he walks past, and I shake the empty feeling inside of me. I’ve been tempted to let Dawson know I’m leaving since I got the call, but I feel like it might be best if I leave without a word. This wasn’t supposed to be more than a fling before I left and now the time has come for it to end.

When Easton comes back out into the hall, he glares at me before nudging his head toward the room I've been staying in. “What?” I mumble, looking anywhere but at him.

“Are you really this ignorant, Sav?” Easton asks and his cheeks turn pink from the anger coursing inside of him. “This is what you really want to do, just run away from everything again?”

I shake my head. “You don’t get it, Easton.” Those were the wrong words to say. Of course he gets it, better than most since Bethany’s mother passed away. “Easton, I didn’t mean it like that. You were able to deal with it, but that doesn’t mean I’m the same way.”

He scoffs. “Deal with it? I’m still hurting to this day, Sav, but you don’t see me running away from it just because I might see her in everything around this damn place.” Easton shakes his head and frowns. “I thought that you’d realize the truth.”

“I’m not risking my heart again, Easton. No matter how good it feels, I still can’t get over what he did to me seven years ago.”

“You were in high school!” He growls out. “Are you the same girl you were then or have you grown up?”

I know he’s right, but the voice in my head is screaming louder than ever before and there’s no way I can ignore it. It’s time for me to get out of here and keep my heart from getting broken a second time. Dawson may have tried to get me on his good side the entire time I’ve been here, but it doesn’t change what he did to me and how there’s still the chance it can happen again.

I’m not the same girl I was then. Instead of falling blindly for someone, I’m not giving myself the opportunity of doing it again.

That ship has sailed, Sav.

My heart aches at the thought of leaving Dawson behind a second time. It ached before I even knew I was heading back to Chicago when I didn’t go to his house last night like clockwork. I shake my head and frown. “I’m stronger, Easton, which is exactly why I need to go.”

“If you’re so much stronger, why do you need to run away?”

God, I’m so sick of him making a point and being right. “I’ve got to get my things packed, then I’m spending the day with mom and Bethany if that’s okay with you.” If he wants to see me off in the morning, fine, but I’m not going to spend today listening to his harsh truths.
