Page 34 of The Risk of Falling

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He gives her a loving look as he walks over to take her arm. “Then, shall we?”

“We shall,” she says, grinning from ear to ear.

So much love. In all forms and from every direction. I’ve decided there is no greater feeling in the world than love.



Family and friends from all over are gathered to celebrate this special couple. Laughter fills the air around us. Well wishes and congratulations have been spoken throughout the room more times than I can count. Lights sparkle, and music plays quietly in the background.

Everything has gone perfectly.

From a few feet away, I watch Drew and Rosie hold one another’s hand as they chat with their guests. Both are wearing the biggest grins possible on their faces, so bright they could light up the entire room. The same euphoric feeling I woke up with fills my heart.

I watched Drew from the moment Rosie walked through the doors of the church, walking down the aisle toward us. His face so calm and sure. Tears glistened on the edge of his lids, threatening to fall. It was as if I could literally see the moment everyone else in the church disappeared, and he and Rosie were the only two people left, from that first glimpse of each other until Father Jerome pronounced them husband and wife.

That’s when I looked in Abbey’s direction and found her eyes on mine, full of tears and joy.

Once more, I search her out. It doesn’t take long for my eyes to land on her; she’s just steps away from me, talking to Rosie’s parents. As if she can feel my gaze on her, she looks in my direction and gives me a small smile.

Suddenly, my thoughts are interrupted when the DJ announces it’s time for the Best Man and Maid of Honor toast. This is my cue, and when I glance back at Abbey, she is already making her way to where the DJ is holding the mic for us.

As I approach, Abbey says, “You first.” She wears the same nervous smile she had at the engagement party all those weeks ago. It’s crazy how much has changed since then.

“As you wish,” I say, smiling.

Taking the mic, I turn to face the room of people around us and notice that Rosie and Drew now stand at the edge of the dance floor. In my typical fashion, I decide to wing it, and for the first time ever, I feel a bit anxious.

I let out a nervous grunt as I begin, “Well, funny thing is I’m normally a pro at this, but tonight I’m feeling unsure of myself.” This time I do laugh, and the room laughs with me. “It’s hard to put into words what my brother means to me and how my new sister has changed me, too.” I look at Rosie and touch my heart. She touches her hand over hers in response. “Individually, Drew and Rosie are the epitome of kindness and compassion. They always put others first and are loyal to a fault. But together, they’re a force of humanity. They stand for everything I want to be in my life.” I begin to choke a little on my words. “Their love is the kind people search for their whole lives. The lucky ones are wise enough to recognize it when they see it. Drew recognized it in Rosie, and thank God, Rosie recognized it in Drew. I wish them a lifetime of happiness through all love life’s ups and downs.” I raise my glass, and the room follows. “I love you both. Now it’s time for another special someone to give the final toast to Mr. and Mrs. Nallen.” I face Abbey just as she wipes a tear from her cheek.

Handing her the mic, I lean forward and whisper, “Your turn, beautiful.” Then I take a step back so she can take center stage. Her stare lingers for a moment before she turns away from me.


“Hello, well, that Parker Nallen is a hard act to follow. Believe me, I should know since this is the second time I’ve had to give a toast after him,” I laugh. The room echoes with laughter, and then I hear Tyler’s voice boom, “Nah, Parker has nothing on your Abbey, plus you’re much prettier.” More chuckles from the crowd.

“Uh, thank you, Tyler,” I say. Looking over at Rosie and Drew, they give me a reassuring smile. “Obviously, this toast isn’t to thank Tyler. What I have to say is about Rosie and Drew and their love. Not only their love for one another but for all of us.” I take a deep breath then continue, “I’ve never really understood Rosie and her love of love. It never made sense, but it finally does. When you finally comprehend love, it changes you. Rosie and Drew changed when they fell in love. They found hope and purpose. Then they spread it. I’ve had firsthand witness to their love, and Parker is right. It is spectacular and something everyone hopes to find. They’re proof it can happen; you just need to be open to it. Thank you, Rosie and Drew, for being so radiant in your love. Please join me in wishing Rosie and Drew a lifetime of exceptional love and happiness.”

The room once again raises their glasses, and I say, “Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Nallen!”

The guests roar with cheers for the couple. Drew takes Rosie in his arms and kisses her long and hard. I watch them turn toward Parker, but he isn’t standing behind me. My eyes scan the room for him until I barely catch a glimpse of him walking out the side door leading to the terrace overlooking the beach.

Where is he going?I think. Just as I take a step in the direction to follow him, Rosie and Drew are next to me.

“Oh Abs, that was so sweet,” Rosie says as she pulls me into a hug. I return her hug and squeeze her tightly. “I love you so much,” she says.

“I love you, too, Rose,” I tell her.

Pulling back, Rosie steps aside, and Drew takes me in an embrace. “Did you see where Parks went?” he asks.

“Yeah, I think he stepped outside,” I tell him, and I notice a worried look appear on his face. “Don’t worry, I was going to check on him. He’s fine, I promise. You guys should get something to eat. It’s been a long day.” I try to reassure him.

“Uh…yeah…yeah, okay,” Drew says.

“Babe, don’t worry,” Rosie says.

“Hey,” I say, and they both look at me. “I promise. Enjoy your night.”
