Page 65 of Bitter Past

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“Seriously?” Erin laughed. “You’re doing a courthouse press conference? That’s so you.”

Deb whooped. “Yes! Our kids will all grow up together!”

All of the women, even Wiz, hugged and congratulated her. The men slapped Trevor’s back and embraced her. She was so incredibly lucky. She and Trevor had found the family they’d always wanted. While Trevor’s parents had warmed up to her since their wedding, Sam’s father hadn’t. He blamed Sam for all his problems, loudly.

Including Sam’s mom finally leaving while he was in jail. She lived in Sam’s old house, behind their almost-finished Queen Anne mansion. The two women were close, Trevor’s mom often staying with Martha for ladies’ nights. They’d both be over the moon to “finally” get a grandchild. Sam and Trevor would watch closely to prevent any patriarchal brainwashing. Although, with Sam’s father out of their lives, the threat was significantly less.

“Guess I’ve got a whole wagon load of grandchildren coming.” Pete grinned. “Might have to get a pony or two.”

Tom groaned. “Mean-tempered, fussy little things. Let’s stick with mules for the kids.”

Wiz winked at Pete. “We should name one of them Strawberry.” Tom groaned again.

Sam was fairly certain that was the name of the horse that bucked Tom, introducing the two of them. She wasn’t sure if that idea was brilliant or awful.

Trevor laughed. “Trying to set up the kids before they’re even born?”

Wiz shook her head. “With this clan? They’ll either be rock-solid siblings or marry each other.”

“First, they’ll rule the schools.” Nic smirked. “You watch. Our kids sure do.”

Sam nodded. “I’ve noticed. They’re fantastic and terrifying. We’re all in.” With the love and support of their extended found family, theirs would be just as wonderful and scary.

Trevor pulled her into his embrace. “They’ll be amazing, just like you.”

“And you.” Sliding her hand behind his neck, she pulled him close and kissed him. All the judges, attorneys and police officers in Montana could walk by, and she wouldn’t care one bit. She loved Trevor Mills, heart, soul, and body, and would forevermore.

Chapter twenty-four

Epilogue Two

Ten years later

The metallic ring of a spoon on a pot carried over the shrieks of children playing. Trevor cupped his hands around his mouth so the sound would carry across the remote lake in the Frank Church Wilderness of No Return. “Kids, time to get out! Let’s go!” A chorus of boos, groans, and nos came back. “Dinner bell rang!” Their negatives turned into a stampede, water flying everywhere. He stepped back, directing them to the towels hanging on a rope between two rocks near the shoreline. “Dry off first. Don’t forget your water bottles. Put the crawdad back, Cade.”

His seven-year-old son scowled but turned around and placed the critter back into the freezing cold lake. The boys tried to torment the girls with creepy-crawlies, despite their utter indifference.

Their kids had grown up running wild at the Rocking B Ranch and in the wilderness. They’d been day hikers in their diapers and gone on multiple trips with the clan. None of them were dismayed by spiders or snakes, and they had learned to respect animals and plants.

When the kids were younger, they rented cabins and houses on the fringes of public lands every year. But last summer, their horse-crazy kids were good enough for trail riding, so they took a pack train on a short jaunt into the backcountry. Neither he nor Sam were excited by tent camping, but it was a wonderful way to keep all the kids happy and off the internet. Plus, with Kim’s teens, Sophia and Isa, watching, the kids shared one big tent, giving the adults some privacy. Their current trek was planned to take a full five days; Trevor hoped the kids would be too tired to make too much trouble at night.

“Sneak hug!” Lily’s wet little arms wrapped around him from the back.

Trevor pulled her hands away, turned, and pulled her up into real hug. Sliding her to his left side, he kept her arms clamped tight and tickled her with his right hand. “Tickle defense!”

“No, Daddy!” She wriggled but couldn’t get free. He tickled her until her giggles grew to just short of gasping, then stopped. The nine-year-old was growing like a weed, and he wasn’t sure how much longer he’d be able to pick her up. Or how much longer she’d let him. “Stop!”

“Sure, kiddo.” Lily snagged a towel and ran to the kitchen area, set up at the established site on the other side of the lake. He followed at a much slower pace. Snagging his running blade on roots wasn’t fun, but it worked better for his rescue swimmer role.

Erin and Ryan stood behind the stove, serving dinner. The spicy scent made his stomach rumble. Sam, still just as gorgeous as the day he’d married her, filled water bottles with filtered water while Kim managed the flavoring powders.

Wiz, Tom, Michael, and Nic were setting up tents and feeding the stock. Pete had stayed home. A week of riding wasn’t a problem for the tough cowboy, but sleeping on a cot for more than a night was more than his back could stand. Both the Rocking B and Victory Cyber Security were in great hands, but having a family representative available didn’t hurt. Deb’s assistant was running her bakery, and Trevor had taken a week of leave from the FBI. The rest of them had shut down their businesses, giving their employees paid time off. Geo and Bryn Pappas promised they'd join in next year, but Trevor wasn't holding his breath. Copperline Security had more business than they could handle, and even though Bryn had more agents working for her, the threat never seemed to lessen.

Trevor ensured each kid settled with their plate intact and a drink nearby, then served himself dinner. He sat next to Sam in a double folding chair, leaning over to kiss her cheek before picking up his spoon. “All good?” He took a bite, loving the soft beans, rice, and delicious homemade sausage.

“Yep. I’m having a surprising amount of fun.” She grinned at Wiz, sitting across from them. “I’m glad you talked us into coming.”

Wiz snorted. “The fancy lawyer likes roughing it. Who’d have thought?”
