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My half-frozen legs protested as I forced myself forward and sidled next to him, squatting beside him.

“Oh, look! It’s your favorite fruit…,” I announced hopefully, praying that he would ask me to fly him somewhere blessedlywarm.His head finally turned as Iwilleda mango into my hand as an offering.

The male's face had a bumpy layer of frozen tears caked onto his cheeks. He didn’t have eyelashes or brows anymore. They’d long been frozen off. His lips cracked and blistered. His toes were little more than black and blue stubs.

A flicker of longing passed over his face.

Just let go, just let go, just let go,I chanted silently to him in encouragement.

150 years of freezing to death was enough suffering. I knew every one of Grigori’s most heinous crimes, and I’d say he’d served his penance by now. I could feel the karmic debt of each soul, and even if it had been paid off through the purge and self-inflicted suffering in places like the Kurian Mountains… Sometimes, they grew attached to their suffering out of fear. Habit. Familiarity. Safety, oddly enough.

Because at least if they were here, they wouldn’t have to take the leap of faith required before drinking the waters of The River Oblivion and being sent back into the unknown, where they might revert to their old ways because of ignorance, influence, and circumstance.

Depending on what stage of evolution their soul was in, it was a possibility… but eventually, every soul was destined to ascend and return to ourtrue home.In all my years, now nearly an eon…

I had too many transgressions to count…

When my time came, would I end up in a place like this?

Torturing myself untilAkashdevoured the world once more, and we all returned to her cosmic bosom.

If I had learned anything over the countless millennia, watching an infinite number of souls who either suffered the effects of their iniquities or savored the many rewards of their virtues… It was that every act - whether done out of love or malice - was returned to you.

Your time is nigh, God of death,that quiet voice whispered within my mind.

Fear clutched my heart in its bony, unforgiving hand.

I attempted to block it out as Grigori’s gaze lifted to mine, his half-frozen tongue snaking out to lick his parched lips.

“How about we go somewhere warm? How about a nice beach, hm?” I offered, taking in his frigid form, “Or perhaps defrost in a nice thermal spring…?”

Grigori’s expression shuttered once more, and I knew he wouldn’t take me up on my offer. Or the mango.

Sure enough, a moment passed, and he heaved a sigh, returning his gaze to the unforgiving landscape beyond the vista.


My teeth chattered as I sank down beside him.

“I’ve come for a favour, Your Majesty.”


“I need you to help me find something. Or somethings,rather.”

Grigori, even in his most weakened state, wasstillthe most powerful seer to grace Arvernus in at least a millennium.

Still more silence.

“It would mean a great deal to my wife and I. And our daughter.”

Grigori’s gaze snapped back to mine, his blue-grey eyes suddenly bright with life. With hope.

I knew that even if I offered him relief from his suffering, he would refuse me. He would say that this was what he deserved.

But what he did desire wasredemption.

The prince’s voice held a sudden sparkle of hope.
