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His large hand came down hard in a searingsmackthat made my pussy clench. “Behave. You’re getting a bath. Unless you’d prefer to travel covered in my cum… The idea has merit.”




Mareina grew silent as I climbed down the steps into the large bath, only realizing then that the tiles lining it - thatI’dchosen - matched the rich emerald green of her eyes. It made me want to tear them out.

The tiles, not her eyes.

Resistance is an exercise in futility,my Knowingness whispered to me.

My chest tightened, knowing that the words were true. I set her down in waist-high water, and when I stepped back, the sight stole my fucking breath. No matter how much I hated to fucking admit it, she was beautiful.

The way she managed to hold her head high, despite her face being so beautifully decorated with my cum. Her green eyes roved over me through long black lashes. High cheekbones proudly boasting the glistening pearls I’d gifted her. Full, cupid’s bow lips poised in something between stoicism and what almost looked like a pout.

The sight alone nearly had my hatred for her buckling out from underneath me.

Her dark hair draped over her full breasts, her nipples dusky and pert, just as I’d imagined them - were hard points in the cool air. Her waist tapered slightly before the flair of her generous hips gave way to bare me a glimpse of her smooth pussy. Her legs were long and muscled with a layer of feminine softness that had my fangs aching with the need to sink them into her flesh.

Another vision bleeds over the present.

Mareina nude, and without my binds, standing in this exact position in a thermal spring in a cave.

The vision is gone, and the present returns so fast that if I wasn’t so desensitized to it, I’d question if I’d actually seen it all.

Her still-wandering gaze was like a caress, making my cock harden all over again. It was impossible to hide with the top half of my cock jutting up out of the water.

Not that I cared. I enjoyed her looking. I wanted her lustful mind filled with thoughts of only me.

“Zurie will hunt you down. And when I don’t return, she will just send ten more to replace me,” she murmured, snapping me back to the present, “And thirty more after that. She will send an entire army after you until you’re dead.”

“Well, she’ll just have to die then, won’t she? I’ve got an entire army ready to greet her.”

Mareina huffed a pitying laugh. “Prideful foolishness. Good. It’ll just bring me my freedom that much sooner.”

I stepped in close to her, gripping her by the back of her head and pulling it down to bare her throat to me.

“You willneverbe free of me. I welcome any soldier brave enough to meet their death to so much as breathe in your direction. And if you ever try to escape me? Well, I can promise you there are worse fates than death.”

Mareina's laughter began softly, gradually rising into something maddened.

“Then you would be dooming yourself to just as miserable a fate… Permit me the gracious opportunity to correct what appears to be a misunderstanding:Iam absolutely fucking deranged and will find a superb amount of joy tearing your limbs from your bone-fucking-dry corpse as soon as I drain you of your blood the moment I get the chance. Andoh,therewillcome a chance. There’s a reason Zurie hired me as her Irae. And I can assure you, it wasn’t merely based on tenure and skill.”

Despite the resentment and hatred towards her past deeds simmering beneath the surface, her words only had my resistance to buckling further.

Outside of her being perhaps my second-greatest immortal enemy…

She was fucking perfection.

Her ferocity made me burn in the most beautiful way.

I stared down into her eyes, practically sparking with her rage and desperate for me to ignite her fuse.

The dark fury inside her sang a siren song to my own as my Knowingness whispered to me.

You are two halves of the same soul. Hating her would be like hating yourself. Your power and your redemption can only be found in her.
