Page 16 of Diesel

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And I felt desired. More desired than anyone had ever made me feel in my short life. It was as if Diesel craved me, and no one ever craved me before, no one ever let their hands explore my body like it was a treasure they were desperate to learn. No man had ever devoured my mouth like they would die without another swipe of his tongue. In that moment, Diesel needed me. He wanted me. He desired me. And when his hands cupped my ass and easily lifted me, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him back just as ferociously.

The thick ridge of his denim-covered cock settled right between my thighs and a low, wanton moan escaped, which Diesel swallowed whole. My fingers tugged his hair to pull him closer, wrapping through those smooth blond locks as if that’s exactly where they belonged. And below that, down below the belt, I could feel him. He was long and hard, and it was just for me, a thought that pulled another moan from me while his tongue did horribly wicked things to my mouth.

He spun us around and I found myself pinned between his broad chest and the hard wall. The kiss intensified, burned so hot that beads of sweat popped up all over my skin, growing hotter as his hands slipped under the hem of my t-shirt, gliding up my waist and into my simple cotton bra. I tore my mouth from his and gasped when he pinched my nipples. I bucked my hips against his, hungry to see more, to feel more of him.

“Sweetness,” he growled, and pinched my nipples a little harder. And suddenly, maybe I didn’t hate that name quite so much anymore. Not when he said it like I was the sweetest thing he’d ever tasted.

The sensation of his fingers shot straight down my belly and my pussy clenched with newly awakened desire.

“Momma? Daddy?” Leo’s small, curious voice sounded, and I froze about half a second before Diesel did, but it was the giant biker who recovered first.

He turned with a smile for his mini-me. “What’s up, little man?”

Leo flashed a wide grin and rubbed his tummy. “Hunny.”

At Diesel’s frown, I stepped in as translator. “He’s hungry.”

Diesel nodded and turned to me, heat burning so hot in his blue eyes they were just about black. “I could eat too.” He grinned wickedly and took a step back, letting my body slide down his until my feet hit the floor.

“Hunny!” Leo said again, louder and with a bigger smile.

“Cockblocked by a kid,” he groaned into my ear, disappointment clear in his voice even as he pulled back and smiled, dropping down so he was eye level with Leo. “You’re hungry, kid? What do you like to eat?”

“Um,” he said, and I knew Diesel was in for a long conversation about food. “I like fish sticks and hamburgers, french fries and ice cream. And cookies!” His expression turned serious as he leaned in. “Cookies are the best.”

The look of affection on Diesel’s face as he lifted Leo in his arms was so earnest that it knocked loose another of the bricks surrounding my heart. Luckily for me, the walls were tall and heavily fortified. Watching his love for Leo was damn near as hot as the way he tweaked my nipples just minutes ago. “Cookies are the best.”

Yeah, my hormones were in overdrive, which was unfortunate because I was in no place in my life to even think about romance. Who said anything about romance? my mind asked sarcastically. No. Absolutely not. There would be no romance. No sex. Not even any more kisses. Nothing except platonic co-parenting.

It was as if Diesel could read my mind, because he paused on his way to the kitchen and looked at me over his shoulder, heat still swirling in his eyes. “Leo and I will start dinner if you want to go through the boxes or unpack.”

I nodded, unable to speak because of just how domestic this all felt. Too domestic, in fact, and I was in danger of believing this little family unit was real. It wasn’t.

He was a biker. He had a history of getting women pregnant and disappearing. And while it did seem to be something of an accident, it still… It was still a bad idea.

I didn’t want a fling. I didn’t want him.

I said those words over and over until I started to believe them.

I unpacked Leo’s stuff—he was staying in the room right beside mine, then I went to my room and unpacked my toiletries, still repeating the mantra, but to no avail. Finally having enough of my stupid wayward thoughts, I headed towards the one task I was looking forward to least.

The boxes.

That’s it, Ellie. Focus on the boxes and finding answers about what happened to Stacy. Do not, under any circumstances, fall for your sister’s baby daddy. Do not fall for the big, bad, dangerous biker. Do not fall, period.

For anyone.


Diesel had a history of leaving. People had a habit of leaving. The one thing I’d been able to count on in my life was not counting on anyone but myself. Whatever I was feeling, it wasn’t real. I was just unsettled. Out of sorts.

In a day or so I would feel settled. More relaxed around Diesel and in his space.

I hoped.

Chapter Nine

