Page 22 of Diesel

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Rocky’s lips twitched as if he knew exactly what I was doing. “I’ll get Slate on it as soon as we get back.”

“Good,” I muttered, glancing down at my watch. I was eager to get back to Ellie, who looked uncomfortable as fuck when I left her at the clubhouse with club girls and a few prospects. It was Saturday midday, which meant most of the patched brothers were off collecting cash and checking in on our business interests. “I’m going to head back now, but have the surveillance footage for the past forty-eight hours sent to Slate. See if we can ID the fucker who dropped the body off.”

Rocky nodded and gave me a sympathetic pat on the back as I stood to leave. “Ellie is fine,” he assured me. “Tess is with her, and she pretty much likes everyone.” Tess was the oldest and most loyal of the club bunnies, having been around since before I was club president. “And Nathan is so eager to get patched there’s no fucking way he’ll let anything happen to her or to the kid, not even a few rude whores.”

I was itching to be close to her again. She took up every free second of thought I had, more since that night before in my bathroom. I don’t know what it was about that woman. All I could see were those big green eyes filled with lust and heat, the way her teeth sank into her bottom lip when she found the spot that pushed her closer and closer to orgasmic bliss. Her naked curves made my hands itch to roam all over her body, learning every inch of her, and what made her smile, what made her moan, and what made her scream my name. Fuck, you need to focus, Diesel.

“I know that,” I growled at my VP, who only laughed in response.

Maverick laughed too and shook his head. “From single badass biker to a daddy and an old man in less than a week. You move fast, brother.”

The idea of being someone’s old man should have scared the fuck out of me. I’d gone thirty-odd years as a bachelor and never thought about changing it because the MC took up all my time and energy. I was content being single, fucking when I needed to nut, and being on my own. But now all I could think about was Ellie and making her mine as soon as fucking possible.


“Hell yeah,” Rocky admitted. “She’s hot as hell, but everything about that girl screams forever, and I’m not ready to put a ring on anybody. Except my cock ring, I like that ring.”

Maverick groaned. “On that note, I think I’ll go check out things at the gun range.” As the MC’s sergeant at arms and a former sharpshooter in the Marines, the man knew his weaponry and kept Demon Head Guns running with military precision.

His expression pulled a reluctant laugh from me. “Come on, cock ring, let’s get back to the clubhouse.”

Rocky tossed his head back and laughed. “Is that my new name? Because I kind of dig it.” He tore down the last bit of yellow police tape, as we walked across the parking lot and back to our bikes.

Back to Ellie and Leo.

Chapter Twelve


How the hell did I end up inside a biker clubhouse? That’s the question that kept running through my mind while I sat in the middle of what I think was the main room of the club, watching Leo play with an oversized bulldog in one corner, his sweet laughter echoing in the cavernous room.

To one side was a long bar that stretched half the length of the room. Behind it were what looked like hundreds of bottles of booze and mixers just like a real bar, complete with a bartender wearing a tight black corset and a black miniskirt. There were worn leather couches and a darts corner, small tables with seats and long ones with benches, what looked like a slightly raised stage on one side and a designated cleared spot before it… There were even a couple of pool tables and a fireplace, and an oddly smoky look to the air in the early afternoon sun, even though I couldn’t smell any smoke at all. This place was surreal, and my fingers itched to write it all down, to memorize every detail so I could recall it on paper later. And I would do that, but first I needed to stop daydreaming, to stop ignoring the thing I needed to do most.

Diesel had moved Stacy’s boxes to the clubhouse today, and I sat cross-legged on the floor in the middle of the cleared space before the stage, where there was the most room to spread out the contents. Around me, there was barely any bustle going on, which I was glad for. Just the girl behind the bar, mostly on her phone, a few men in leather vests who walked through every now at then, and this one newbie who was basically an intern trying to prove his worth to join the club—who was busy cleaning the pool tables more thoroughly than I’d ever seen in my life.

I picked up a thick file with a sigh and opened it, going through each sheet of paper with as much focus as I could. But it still didn’t make any fucking sense and my frustration grew. Why did my sister hang on to this shit? Full legal pads, documents, spreadsheets, and invoices, some of which were from decades ago, which only heightened my confusion. What were you up to, Stacy?

As much as I hated Diesel’s questions and what they implied about my sister, I had to admit that these documents said she was up to something. From what I could see a lot of the paperwork seemed to deal with client finances, and I was no expert, but I was pretty sure taking it home was breaching some sort of confidentiality. Was it nefarious? I doubted that, but I had nothing else to go on. Stacy didn’t run a business, at least that I knew of. She worked in the billing department and picked up extra shifts as a bartender—so why did she need all this office paperwork? The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department had kept her case open, but the detective in charge had said that given nothing suspicious had turned up, it looked like she’d upped and left her life behind by choice. I knew my sister, and I knew that she would never have left Leo.

The police had never seen the contents of these boxes, and to be honest I hadn’t even considered that they might hold answers, but after what Diesel said I couldn’t help but be convinced. Whatever or whoever was behind her disappearance had to be in one of the boxes I’d hauled from her place to my house and then to Diesel’s house and now to the Steel Demons clubhouse.

“Whoa, honey, you look like you could use a drink.” I looked up as Tess, apparently appearing out of nowhere, walked towards me in the tightest little black mini-dress I’ve ever seen, especially at this time of the afternoon. Her voice held a hint of a Southern twang as she leaned her elbows onto a table not too far from me, her ass sticking up behind her and swaying as if caught in a breeze. She grinned at me, and I couldn’t help but return her smile as I looked up. She was what Diesel had referred to as a club bunny, which I think meant club whore? Or something like that, anyway. But she was so nice it felt wrong to call her that, although she definitely dressed and moved provocatively. Apparently, the bunnies were girls who hung around the MC spaces, ready and willing to cater to the members in any way. Any way at all…

Still, she was really warm and open and sweet, and I found myself liking her a lot.

“I’m okay on drinks, Tess, but thank you.”

“With all those official looking papers around you?” She flipped a strand of long black hair over her shoulder, which was a feat considering her position, in my opinion, and sent me a wink. “No, darlin’, I think I’m gonna grab you something to take the edge off. So you might as well tell me what you want, or else you’re getting a margarita.”

I chuckled and shook my head. “Water would be good, but you don’t have to worry. Where is it?”

She held up a hand to stop me from standing. “I’ll get it for ya, it’s what I do around here. Mostly. Sorta. Well, it’s what I’m going to do for you, anyway.” Her light brown eyes stared at me for a long time as if she was taking stock of me, trying to figure me out, and when she had, she nodded. “Whiskey and water, it is.”

I nodded in the direction where Leo played with the bulldog they called Chopper, who let out a particularly snorty woof and rolled onto his back to receive Leo’s attentions better. “I’m on mom duty right now.”

“That’s why I’m giving you whiskey and water, don’t worry honey, it’s mostly water.” She smiled in Leo’s direction. “He’s a real cutie, ain’t he?”

“I think so, but I’m biased.” I laughed as Chopper rolled back over and swiped his big tongue all over Leo’s face. “And he has the energy of one hundred real cuties.”
