Page 4 of Diesel

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I gasped as I almost dropped the coffee pot, I hadn’t heard Ryan follow me into the kitchen. “Damn it Ryan, you scared me!”

“You’re jumpy today, what’s up?”

My eyes glanced towards the toy truck that was sitting on the counter. I’d considered telling Ryan about the letters and gifts, but I didn’t want to make a fuss. I’d managed alone so far in my life, and if my past had taught me anything it was that I couldn’t allow myself to rely on anyone else for help. I would deal with my own mess. Tomorrow I was going to get one of those video doorbells and find out who was sending the damn stuff and put a stop to it.

“Just a touch of writers’ block,” I said breezily as I started making a fresh pot of coffee for myself.

“Looks like you need that too,” he gestured at the pot.”

I laughed as I handed him his mug, “There you go, nectar of the gods. Should get you through to lunch.”

“Thanks, Ellie. Good luck with the story.” He held up the travel mug in lieu of a wave. “See you later, Leo.”

“Bye-bye, Mr. Ryan!” Leo waved energetically and flashed a wide grin.

I walked Ryan back to the fence so that I could lock it when he was gone. “Good luck on the new projects. I’m sure you’ll kill it.”

“Thanks. I’ll need it.”


After the gate was locked, I turned to watch Leo chatting with his caterpillar. He was such a good boy and I hoped I didn’t make too many mistakes with him. He deserved everything this world had to offer, and I would do my damnedest to give it to him. My thoughts went back to the toy truck, and I felt my stomach clench.

The roar of a motorcycle in the distance caused my anxiety to crank up a notch or ten. Unease slithered down my spine because I knew that day was coming, another reckoning of sorts. I knew what my sister told me, but everyone always left, and for all the protection I’ve given him, my worry was that Leo would be the next to go.

The roar of the engine faded, and my heart started to beat normally again. It was just another eager biker racing somewhere more important. Nothing to worry about.

“Oh!” A loud knock on the front door startled a little scream out of me and my hand instantly went to my chest as if that small act would slow it down.

The loud knocking—no, the insane pounding stopped and started again. “Hello? I know you’re in there.” The voice was deep and smooth, but above all else, it sounded angry.

I reached for my phone and turned to Leo. “Stay here,” I told him, and pre-dialed the police just in case I needed them. With shaking legs, I climbed the back steps and went inside the small bungalow, and slowly made my way through the kitchen and then the living room. Regret washed over me at leaving the front door open even though the screen door was locked. What was I thinking of? I’d already scared myself silly thinking of all the things that might happen, and on autopilot I’d done that. Was I going to die all because I couldn’t afford to get the damn AC unit repaired?

“Hello?” the deep voice called once again, calmer this time but still angry.

I showed myself but I kept about six feet between us just in case he meant to do us harm. The man was big. No, big wasn’t quite enough to describe his size. He was a giant of a man, well over six feet, with shaggy blond hair that reached his chin and piercing blue eyes. I noted the leather vest he wore and the patches that adorned it, and my heart sank.

I knew exactly who he was. My greatest fear was here at my house to take everything from me.

Chapter Three


The woman who stood on the other side of that screen door was gorgeous. She was a little scrap of a thing with thick, dark brown waves and huge green eyes that contained so much fear all I wanted to do was burst through the door and promise to take her enemies down to keep her safe. Which was a ridiculous fucking thought because I didn’t know this chick, but also because I didn’t protect shit but my MC. Still, that feeling idea flashed through my mind, and I couldn’t deny it as I stared at her. There was something about this emerald-eyed pixie who looked to be just over five feet tall with curves for days.

“Hi,” I said stupidly, flashing an awkward smile because I didn’t want this woman to be scared of me.

“Um, hey,” she answered, so fucking skittish it made me wonder about who had made her this fearful. “What can I do for you?”

I bit back a smile, proud that she’d found her voice, and it only shook a little as her gaze met mine head on. “I’m looking for Stacy.”

Confusion then fear knitted her dark brows, but she cleared it quickly, folding her arms in a clearly defensive position. “Why?”

I flicked my gaze to the still shut screen door, and took a moment before speaking. “Do you know her?”

She nodded, but otherwise said nothing, just waited for me to state my business.

“Fine,” I sighed and raked a hand through my hair, preparing to share my humiliating tale as I sent another, more pointed, look at the door between us. “Long story short, my MC is doing a charity drive today and one of my guys uncovered some messages from years ago on my old phone which I was about to get rid of. Messages from Stacy.”
