Page 46 of Diesel

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“Get in your car and lock the door. Call Diesel.”

“That isn’t necessary.”

He shrugged. “I’ll call him myself.” With that, he pulled out his phone and climbed the steps, talking quietly and quickly before shoving the phone back into his pocket and removing a gun from a hidden holster.

Because this is my life now.

My heart was in my throat as I watched the front door without blinking, willing Gio to emerge unharmed. Five full minutes passed before he stepped outside, shaking his head, a grave expression on his face. He made another phone call before he joined me on the driveway. “Well?”

“You’ve seen some of it?”

I nodded. “The graffiti in the living room.”

He nodded. “And more in the kitchen and bathroom. Furniture shredded and paint tossed on the hall floor leading to the bedrooms.”


“I’m sorry, Ellie.”

I didn’t need anyone’s fucking sorry, I needed answers.

“What’s going on here?”

The sound of Ryan’s voice shocked a gasp out of me, and I turned to face him, part angry, part suspicious, and just a little bit grateful to see a familiar friendly face. “What are you doing here?”

He raked a hand through his hair and flicked a gaze towards Gio. “I was just driving by, and I saw your car.”

Gio snorted. “Likely story.”

“Who are you?” Ryan sounded a little possessive, which I didn’t appreciate.

Gio took a step forward, his brows dipped into a menacing frown. “None of your fucking business.” They stared each other down for a long time before Ryan backed off.

“I’m a friend. A worried friend.” Ryan put a hand on my shoulder and tried for a smile. “Is everything all right?”

“It will be,” I assured him, my voice quiet and unsure. Would everything be all right? Because right now things felt pretty fucked up.

“What’s going on?” Ryan asked again.

“Nothing, just kids messing around,” I lied, because, hell, I didn’t know why I lied. It was embarrassing to think someone did this, turned me into a victim.

The roar of a motorcycle engine cut off my words and both Ryan and I turned to see Diesel pull up. He parked his bike and ran up the driveway.

“Ellie!” Diesel’s voice wrapped around me like a warm embrace and immediately, my heart slowed to what felt like a normal rate, at least until he was at my side with his big arm around me. “Are you okay?”

I nodded even though I wasn’t sure what the hell I was feeling. Was he the one fixing my problems, or was he the cause of them?


“He’s in the car,” I pointed to the back of the car.

“Daddy!” Leo knocked on the window before his little finger found the window button. “Momma’s scared of spiders and snakes. And bears!”

“She is?”

He nodded. “Mr. Gio went to check on them for her.” Kids were so simple at times, taking adults at their word, even when it was a lie.

“Gio is one of our best spider catchers, your momma’s in good hands,” he said, and turned back to us. “Well?”
