Page 64 of Diesel

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“That’s great. The sales I mean, not the pressure.”

He smiled and again I got the sense that it wasn’t genuine. Maybe it was just because I hadn’t been sleeping well or maybe it was the stress of keeping my pregnancy a secret from everyone. I shrugged off my concerns and focused on the food and my friend. “I’m satisfied so far.”

“That’s great.” I held up my orange juice with a smile. “To finding success just when we needed it.”


The rest of lunch passed mostly uneventfully, except for Leo sharing his thoughts on why pancakes were the best food in the world. We kept our conversation light for the rest of lunch and soon enough, it was time to get going. “We should head out. Leo will be ready for his nap soon.”

“Will Daddy be home, Momma?” Leo muttered around a yawn as he reached up to grab my hand. “Maybe he can tuck me in for nap times, I want a story.”

I winced and my eyes shot to Ryan, but I looked away immediately, barely registering the way his face flickered with shock amidst a storm of other emotions.

“Uh, no, baby…” I stuttered, feeling awkward beyond belief, and I began tugging him out the door. “Let’s go.”

I hesitated after a few steps, turned back, and threw an apologetic smile and wave at Ryan all without directly looking him in the face. “Sorry, Ryan. I’ll talk to you next time, okay?”

Today was just not the day I could handle this.

I was ready to spend some time on my own.

My heart raced and my nerves were frayed as I stepped out, my anxiety levels rising. That was so bad. I feel so bad for him, I’ve completely cut him out lately, haven’t I…

“I’m full, Momma, my tummy hurts.” Leo moaned as I got him settled into his car seat, holding his stomach.

“I know, honey. I’ll get you something for your tummy when we get home, okay?” I kissed both of his cheeks before double checking the seat straps, just wanting to curl up in bed for an hour and forget about everything. And everyone. “Momma will make you feel better. I promise.”

“Ellie.” Ryan’s voice sounded behind me, only the usual friendliness was gone from his tone entirely. When I turned, his face was twisted into a scowl.

“Daddy, huh?” he said, his lips curled down into an arrogant sort of anger I’d never once seen on him, and I couldn’t do more than blink for a few seconds, shocked. “I’ve known you for years. That biker fucks you a couple of times and he’s already ‘Daddy’?”

I couldn’t help the gasp that fell from my lips, and I shut Leo’s door and stood protectively before it on instinct. How did he know…

“Biker cunt,” he snarled, taking an aggressive step forward that had me backing against the door, and my blood ran cold as I remembered the last time I’d seen that phrase.


“The problem,” he growled, “is your whole fucking family.”

And that was the last thing I heard, before he raised a gun, I felt the impact of the butt hitting me, and everything went dark.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Do you have anything to back that up, Diesel?” Sheriff Cross arched a brow at me, doing nothing at all to hide his skepticism over my claims.

“I should’ve guessed that’s what you’d say.” I let out a snort of derision and shook my head. “No, I don’t have anything you could take to court today.”

“Then what do you expect me to do?”

I rolled my eyes. “Nothing. Thanks for stopping by,” I said sarcastically as my anger intensified with every passing moment.

My phone rang and I saw Gio’s number, so I answered it right away. “What’s up, Gio?”

“You need to get to the diner right away. The Shivering Cactus,” he clarified, his voice anxious and angry. “Now. Ellie’s been abducted, it’s that guy who stopped by her house after the break-in. Black truck, fucking vanity plates with his name on. I’ve got Leo, get your ass here.” he added, and ended the call.

I stood there momentarily stunned. “They’ve got Ellie!”
