Page 69 of Diesel

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I gave one sharp nod. “Ready to get my woman back.”

“Whatever it takes.”

We walked straight up to the front door and looked into the camera above the door so Slate could see us.

The light turned green and the door unlocked, and seconds later we were inside Carter’s mansion and creeping up the steps to his room. He slept alone, which was no surprise given his side business. The old fucker probably sampled all the wares before he sold them off.

I stood on one side of the bed and Rocky on the other. I nodded once and shoved the gun inside Carter’s mouth, which woke him up completely. “You awake?”

He gave a wide-eyed nod and raised his hands as if he was a real threat to me.

“Good. Where is she?”

The old fuck smiled around the gun and shook his head.

I readjusted my grip and put my finger on the trigger. “You don’t know where your son’s taken her, or do you want to have some fun?” I met his smile because I knew he wouldn’t do this any way but the hard way.

I decided on the fun way for him and pulled the gun out of his mouth.

“Don’t waste your time with me when you should be out there looking for her.” His voice was slurred, which kind of proved Slate’s theory that he had a bit of a drink problem.

“That’s the benefit of having people around you can trust. I have people out looking for her.” I yanked him from the bed and dragged him down to his pristine white living room where Rocky and I zip tied him to a fancy dining chair. “Make it easy on yourself, Carter. Tell me where she is.”

“Fuck you.”

“Okay.” Rocky handed me the pliers. I knelt in front of Carter’s trembling body and grabbed his middle finger. “Remember, you made me do this.”

The man screamed as I twisted and then slowly pulled out his fingernail from the root. First the middle finger and then the ring finger. Then the thumb since the bastard refused to talk. “Fuck!”

“Give it up, old man.”

He laughed. “The man of steel does have a heart.”

“No? Okay.” I was suddenly glad Rocky packed the bag of goodies since Carter held out longer than I expected, I suspected the alcohol was dulling his responses—hopefully, the pain would sober him up soon enough. “Let’s see if this loosens your tongue.” I twirled the pliers in my fingers.

“Too bad your girl—Ellie was it? Too bad she won’t last the night. Poor thing, to suffer the same fate as her mother and sister.”

“She will.” I smiled, knowing that Ellie was a fighter. “But you won’t.”

His eyes grew wide when Rocky grabbed his head with both hands. “What are you—” His question was cut off by the metal in his mouth tugging on a molar until it was loose and then free. That roar of pain he let out was visceral and raw.

“Let me ask you again. Where. Is. Ellie?”

He yelled and yelled about the pain, forcing me to use other methods to focus him. The stun gun was effective, but the bastard still refused to answer.

“You’re a tough bastard, I’ll give you that. But will your wife stand up to the same treatment?”

His eyes widened.

“That’s right, Robert. We’ve hired out the job of torturing her to a local gang operating in Colorado. She’s at your ski chalet, right?” He paled. “And your daughter in Connecticut? Well, there’s a pretty notorious MC that operates up there and they know the layout of the Rochester Day School.” It really paid to have a genius like Slate to dig into assholes like this, obviously we weren’t going to do shit to them, but the sick fucker didn’t know that. “You still got nothing to say, huh?”

“Kids are off limits,” he protested. “It’s why I left your brat alone.”

“Okay. The real fun starts now.” I pulled my hawkbill switchblade from the sheath at my side. It gleamed in the moonlight, and I smiled as I tapped the tip with my finger. “Who has Ellie?” I didn’t wait for him to answer before I pressed the tip of the blade to his chest and slowly pushed it in until it hit bone.

His cry echoed in the living room, but the good thing about a mansion like this was the next neighbor was a quarter mile away and the house had excellent insulation. Also, thanks to the sick bastard’s extracurricular activities, with his wife away, he’d dismissed the staff for the evening so there was no chance of interruption.

“Where is she being held?” I pulled the blade out, giving him two seconds to answer. “You don’t know? Good.”
