Page 75 of Diesel

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“Like someone hit me in the head with a gun and then I fell down the stairs,” she shrugged, “I’m okay.” Her hand went to her stomach, and I frowned.

“Do you feel sick?” I asked. “Doc, we need a bucket or some shit.”

The doctor smiled sympathetically and nodded. “You have a concussion, so you’ll need to be watched closely for the next few days, and you may experience some dizziness and nausea. But other than bruises everything looks okay.” He sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly, smiling at Ellie like they were old friends. “The OB-GYN did a full assessment, and your baby is fine.”

“Baby?” The word slammed into me like a fucking bullet, but there wasn’t any panic or fear or anything other than happiness. Joy. Bliss. “We’re having a baby?”

Ellie flashed a sheepish smile and shrugged. “I told you I needed to tell you something.” She waited, with worry swimming in her green eyes and sighed. “How do you feel about that?”

“How do I feel?” It was a good question, and I didn’t have the words to explain it, so I sat on the bed, wrapped my woman in my arms, and kissed her with my whole heart. She was the woman I didn’t know I needed but now couldn’t live without. If we had met under any other circumstances, we probably wouldn’t be here, but life intervened to bring us together because we were meant to be. “I feel fucking great about it. Great and scared as shit.”

She laughed and pulled me close. “Same.”

“I’ll keep you safe, Ellie. I swear it. I promise.”

“I know, Diesel. It was stupid of me to judge you for things you didn’t do when you’ve shown me who you are time and time again. I’m sorry I let myself get so wrapped up in my fears.”

“Don’t be. My life is a lot to get used to and you’ve done a damn good job of adjusting. To me. To being a mom. Every-fucking-thing.”

“Well, I am sorry, and I mean it. I also love you. A lot. In fact, I’m in love with you.” She leaned her head against my shoulder with a sigh.

“That’s damn good to hear, sweetness, because I love you too. I’m so fucking in love with you that it physically hurts to think about living without you. When I couldn’t find you, I was ready to burn this whole damn city to the ground.”

“You found me,” she whispered. “That’s what matters.” Ellie blinked and tears formed on her eyelashes, which damn near gutted me.

Here was this woman who was too fucking good for me, but she wanted me. I brought chaos and danger to her doorstep and here she was offering me her heart on a silver platter. “I love you and I’ll make sure you feel loved for the rest of our days.”

She smiled, opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing.

“Ms. Markham,” the doctor said with a happy smile. “We’re not quite done, about that baby…”

Chapter Thirty-Six


Two Months Later

“I can’t believe I’m here. Well, I can’t believe you’re here.” I sat on the grass with my legs crossed in front of the gravesite of my mother and my sister. “It took a long time to get you here, too long, but here you are. Here we all are.” It took some time to get them to the cemetery, but it didn’t take law enforcement long to find where my mother and sister were buried. I had told them what Ryan had told me about where my sister was, and Salvo Bianchi—the bald guy who’d tried to kidnap me again, had ended up confessing to the police. He had been Mr. Carter’s cleanup man, and in addition to my mom’s body, they also found the bodies of five more women buried in the desert.

The police were reopening some missing persons’ cases and with Mr. Bianchi talking, they might be able to give a few more families the closure they needed. The only good thing to come of it was that the Markham women now had a final resting spot.

A place I could come to talk to my family. A place that someday I would bring Leo to so he could know the amazing women who were responsible for bringing him into this world.

I leaned back and let the sun hit my face with a smile. It felt good and my heart felt full. A laugh exploded out of me as I talked to Stacy. The more I talked, the less it hurt. “Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. I fell in love with your baby daddy, but you were right, and he is amazing. He’s this tough guy who’s a badass and gruff most of the time, but with me and Leo, he’s got a softer side. It’s actually pretty damn perfect.” A tear slipped down my cheek, and I shook my head. “We’re going to raise him together, Stacy, but I promise you I will make sure he knows how great you and Mom were.”

A breeze rushed across the cemetery, and I laughed again.

“I’m pregnant. I know, I know, the timing is weird, and we’ve been through so much, but I’m happy about it.” That was the honest truth. I was happy to move on to the next chapter of my life where I would be a partner and a mother. It would be my responsibility to take care of the whole family, their mental and physical well-being.

It’s what I always wanted, always craved. What I was always too afraid to go after.

I knew I was right where I belonged with a man who loved me and a gang of macho men who would always make sure that my family—our family—was protected. Always.

Footsteps sounded behind me, and I didn’t have to turn to know it was Diesel. I felt him the moment he entered the cemetery. The air shifted and electricity ran down my spine. Now that he was so close, all of that was intensified. “Sorry I’m late.”

I risked a glance over my shoulder, and the sight of my big, strong man with colorful flowers in his hand was more than my overworked hormones could handle. “That’s okay. Everything good?”

He nodded and took another step forward to place the bouquets on each grave. “Thank you, Stacy.” His voice was gruff and unsteady. “For giving me Leo and leaving him with the woman of my dreams. I don’t know if that was your intention, but I fucking appreciate it. Rest easy.”
