Page 31 of Savoring Addison

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“How about Sunday morning?” he proposed, watching her carefully. If she’d rather wait another week, he didn’t want her agreeing out of obligation. “I know it’s your one day to sleep in, so if you’d rather?—”

“No. I don’t need to sleep.”

Their gazes locked for a second, and they both chuckled. “I’m not sure that’s true,” he teased.

“I don’t need to sleep in,” she clarified with a smile so impossibly sweet, he wanted to devour her. “I’ll be up early anyway. I’d rather be with you.”

That simple statement made his chest swell with pride. “Then I’ll be here when the sun rises,” he promised. “Come to the parlor whenever you’re ready. I’ll be waiting for you.” With that, he stood, helping her up out of her chair. If his guest wasn’t already awake, she would be soon. He really needed to get back.

“Until Sunday, then?” she said, giving him a shy, hopeful look.

In answer, he cupped her face in his hands, brushing back her still-damp hair. Her eyes fluttered closed as he lowered his lips to hers.

He took his time with her today, tasting and exploring, studying the little sounds she made. She tasted like sugar and chocolate, and he wanted this moment to freeze in time so he could savor her forever.

If only.

Pulling away, he planted a soft kiss on her forehead. “Be a good girl until then,” he said, then hurried out of the room while he still could.

As soon as they entered his house on Sunday morning, Mason turned and pointed to a small table by the door. Only the black leather collar with green-blue stitching rested atop it. “Leave your clothes there and put on your collar,” he instructed. “That’s the first thing I want you to do whenever you come into this house. You need to always be naked and available to me while you’re here.”

She squirmed in a deeply satisfying way. The command clearly spoke to the most submissive parts of her. “Yes, Master.”

“Come upstairs when you’re ready. I’ll be waiting in the same place as last week.” Mason moved deeper into the house, resisting the urge to turn around and make sure she did as he instructed. If not, she would be punished accordingly. Either outcome worked for him.

He only had one goal for today: to help her grow more comfortable with him. He could accomplish that with pleasure or pain.

If only they had the whole weekend together. Not that he would trade yesterday’s wedding for anything. Whatever their reasons for finally tying the knot, the wedding was absolutely fucking beautiful. A tiny affair in a heated tent outside Aiden and Olivia’s cabin, with only their little Manor family present.

Addison even volunteered to help Gabriel and Sienna prepare the food, making five different types of bread, and baking and decorating several dozen mini cupcakes. That she would do all that in her free time, for the sole purpose of helping two people she barely knew? It shifted his perspective on humanity the tiniest bit.

It also made him want to give her the best orgasms of her life.

Only a few minutes passed before Addison met him upstairs in what he thought of as his observation deck. He turned from the window when he heard her soft footfalls behind him.

Addison stood just inside the doorway, staring at an antique pine armoire he bought and had delivered a few days ago. The simple cabinet was made in Sweden in the mid-1800s, and still bore the original faded white paint. As soon as he saw the auction listing, he knew it would fit his purposes perfectly.

“Don’t worry,” he said, a dark promise in his voice. “You’ll find out what’s in there soon enough.”

Her gaze snapped over to him, a smile toying at the edges of her mouth. “Yes, Master.”

“Jesus Christ, you’re beautiful,” he murmured, sweeping his gaze up her perfect body.

She flushed all over at the compliment but didn’t say anything more. Her hands fidgeted at her sides.

“Talk to me,” he said, doing his best to make it sound like a request, not an order. “Tell me what you’re thinking.” He needed much more insight into this woman’s mind if he wanted any chance of things going better than last time.

Her brow furrowed. “I don’t know what you want me to say,” she admitted after several seconds.

He desperately wanted to move closer—to hold her. He wanted to run soft kisses along the lines in her forehead until they smoothed away.

Instinct told him that wasn’t what she needed right now, so he forced himself to stay across the room, giving her space while she processed. “I just need to know where your head is so I can make sure I give you exactly what you need.”

Her lips pressed into a tight line. With any other sub, he’d give her a nice long spanking to loosen her tongue. Or perhaps keep that mouth open wide with his cock between her lips.

With Addison, he attempted to smile. “There’s no right or wrong answer. You can be thinking how beautiful the view is, or that you wish it was warmer in here. That I cut a fine figure in this suit, but you like me even more naked.” That startled a smile out of her. “Hell, you can be thinking about the tuna fish sandwich you plan to eat for lunch tomorrow.”

She laughed—everyone who said he didn’t have a sense of humor could fuck right off—and the tension eased out of her shoulders. “I do make a damn good tuna fish sandwich,” she said, still smiling.
