Page 41 of Savoring Addison

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Jesus, Mary, and Joseph, that man could fuck. He tied her to his bed for hours on Saturday, spread wide and completely at his mercy. The things he did to every goddamn inch of her body...

The things he did with his tongue.

“I know that look,” said a conspiratorial voice to her left.

Addison whipped around, sloshing raw egg over the sides of the eggshell halves in her hands. She looked down in surprise, shocked to find the partially separated egg there. It wasn’t like her to get distracted while baking.

“Oh yeah, I definitely know that look,” Olivia said with a laugh. “Here, let me help.” Crossing the kitchen quickly, she grabbed a wad of paper towels and dabbed at the dripping mess on Addison’s hands.

“Thanks,” Addison said, willing her blush to go away. “Sorry about that. I must’ve been daydreaming.”

Olivia’s grin could only be described as sly. “About anyone in particular?” she asked, voice all innocence.

The stark contrast made Addison laugh. “Oh, I don’t think so,” she said with a secretive smile of her own. “Just generic daydreaming, really.”

“Generic daydreaming,” Olivia repeated, her sapphire eyes positively sparkling. “My favorite kind.”

“It keeps the mystery alive, you know?”

Olivia leaned back against the huge island in the center of the kitchen. “How long have you been staring out that window while holding a cracked egg, exactly?” she asked, arching her eyebrows in a clear challenge.

“I’m afraid I’m not at liberty to say,” Addison said, a barely restrained laugh threaded through the words. Tossing the ruined egg into the trash, she grabbed a new one and started over.

“Mm-hmm.” Olivia crossed her arms and pursed her lips disapprovingly, but that mischievous twinkle stayed in her eyes. “I think you may have seriously underestimated my dedication to finding out Manor gossip.”

Addison couldn’t hold back her laughter anymore. “How about a wager then?” she said with a grin. “You have twenty-four hours to figure it out. Loser buys the winner drinks in town Friday night.”

“Oh, you are on,” Olivia said, tossing her black curls over her shoulder. “I hope you’re not a sore loser, cause you’re going d?—.”

“Unless you’re flying down to Brazil to pick the coffee beans yourself,” Zach said as he came strolling through the kitchen door, “I don’t see what’s—” He froze when he saw the two women standing together, a dark look burning in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, he was back to normal, smirk and all. “Never mind. I see exactly what’s taking you so long.”

Addison raised a hand to wave at him, only belatedly realizing she still held the new eggshell. More raw egg dripped down onto her sleeve. “Fuck,” she muttered, tossing the second egg into the trash with the first. “That’s twice.”

“More generic daydreaming?” Olivia joked.

“What’s this now?” Zach asked as Addison cleaned the new batch of slime off her clothes and skin.

Olivia gave him a crafty grin. “You wouldn’t happen to know who our new baker is sneaking around the Manor with, would you? She bet me I couldn’t figure it out.”

Zach’s answering snort sounded more derisive than amused. “I’d hardly call it sneaking around.” His tone wasn’t any kinder.

This wasn’t the first time Addison got the idea he didn’t approve of her relationship with Mason. He’d made a handful of not-exactly-complimentary comments in the past few weeks.

If relationship was even the right word.

Maybe that was the problem. Maybe he didn’t approve of her casually fucking one of the Doms, distracting him from his work. Zach certainly seemed dedicated to making the Manor run like a well-oiled machine.

Seemingly oblivious to Zach’s discontent, Olivia rolled her eyes sky high. “Of course you know. With the way you watch the security cameras all day, I should’ve guessed.” She planted her hands on her hips, mock-glaring at her friend. “You’re not going to tell me, are you?”

Gaze darting over to Addison, Zach frowned. But half a second later, he flounced over to the espresso machine, his customary cocky smirk firmly back in place. “That feels like cheating,” he said, placing a tiny white cup under the dispenser and pushing several buttons on the complicated machine. “Do your own dirty work.”

“Traitor,” Olivia grumbled, but she didn’t seem upset in the least.

Zach started to snipe back, but the kitchen door flew open with such force it banged against the wall. All three of them whirled around as Mason stalked through the doorway.

“To what do we owe this thrilling entrance?” Zach said, arching an eyebrow at the Dom. He held up his small white cup. “In need of your next double espresso?”

Mason hardly even glanced at Zach before his eyes found Addison. As soon as their gazes met, she knew.
