Page 64 of Savoring Addison

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“Okay,” he said, placing a hand on Addison’s back and leading her on the fastest route to his car. “Let’s go.”



Addison sat in Mason’s BMW for a long time after they returned to the Manor. He jumped out as soon as he turned the engine off, sprinting into the building in search of his neglected guest. But she didn’t manage to drag herself out and head inside until the last of the heat seeped out of the car, leaving her shivering.

Good God, what a fucking day.

Alexander regained consciousness on the way to the rehabilitation center—sort of. What few movements he made remained sluggish for the rest of the trip. When the center called Mason back, the spectacularly calm woman on the phone explained he was probably stunned from the impact with the window, and based on what they described, likely had a broken wing at the very least. She promised to be ready and waiting the moment they arrived.

A team rushed from the small brick building as soon as Mason drove into the parking lot. Most of them hurried right back inside once Addison handed over Alexander’s box. She watched them go, her eyes drifting over to the enormous circular aviary attached to one side of the building. She found herself wondering if they’d put Alexander in there once his wing healed or if they’d let him go.

The single person who stayed behind—a middle-aged woman with short brown hair—cleared her throat politely. “We’ll do everything we can for him.” As soon as the first word left her mouth, Addison recognized her as Phoebe, the woman they spoke to on the phone. Her promise sounded every bit as soothing as before. “We have a great team here. I feel confident that if it’s possible, we’ll get him flying again.”

Mason asked so many questions, it made Addison’s head spin. He wanted to know how many people worked at the center. What all their credentials were. Where they got their funding. If additional funding would help ensure Alexander’s full recovery and, if so, how much they’d need. Would they be allowed to call the center for updates on Alexander’s progress? If Alexander would be released back into the wild or, because of the previous injury to his leg, if they’d keep him here at the center. If he was released to the wild, would it be here, or up by the Manor to his original habitat?

The whole time, he held Addison’s hand, pressing kisses to her knuckles while Pheobe gave them answers.

Addison stayed quiet as they drove back to the Manor. He clearly assumed it was because of Alexander, occasionally asking her how she was holding up or if she needed anything.

Though she was worried sick about the precious bird, he wasn’t the reason she kept her mouth glued firmly shut. No, it was because of a revelation she had while Mason did everything in his power to ensure a random wild bird would live a long and happy life—for the sole reason that it mattered to her.

Somewhere along the line, she’d fallen in love with Mason.

Not a little bit in love. This wasn’t some schoolgirl feeling that could either blossom into something bigger or fizzle out at the first test.

She was head over fucking heels in love with this man.

Having never been in love before, she must not have recognized it until it was too late. Somewhere in the midst of the cancelled Chile trip, the bunk beds, the way he helped her navigate everything with her just happened.

And then today. He dropped everything to help her yet again, treating both her and Alexander with so much tenderness that it made her heart ache.

Mason St. John was the most wonderful man she’d ever met in her life. She only wished she knew what on earth she was supposed to do about that. She’d had casual boyfriends before, and she’d had a long-term Dom before, at least until that whole thing blew up in her face. But she’d never been in a serious relationship in her life. How was she even supposed to tell him she wanted to start one?

Sighing, Addison pushed open one of the Manor’s double front doors only enough to slip through, not wanting to let the cold inside. Time to head up to her room, take a long, hot bath, and maybe Google how to tell a guy you loved him without scaring him off. That seemed like a solid plan.

“I hope it doesn’t get out that Mason abandoned his guest today,” Zach said, drawing her attention over to the registration counter. He leaned on the wall behind his desk, arms crossed over his chest, a single eyebrow arched in clear accusation. “It would be a shame if the reputation we all worked our asses off for these last seven years got ruined over a bird.”

Addison closed her eyes and counted to five. Then she looked Zach right in the eye and demanded, “What, exactly, have I done to offend you?”

The snide look disappeared from his face in an instant. His voice turned carefully neutral when he said, “I don’t know what you mean.”

“Bullshit,” she shot back. “I’ve been nothing but nice to you from the day I met you. I see how you are with literally everybody else here, but the second I walk into a room, you’re like a completely different person. If there’s something going on I don’t know about, please, for the love of God, just tell me already.”

Zach opened and closed his mouth a couple times, then lowered his eyes, a blush reddening his cheeks. “I’m sorry.” So much shame in those two words. It made her want to forgive him just to make him feel better. “It’s not your fault. I promise. It’s an issue with me.”

Softening her own tone, she asked, “What does that even mean?” Instead of answering, he looked off toward the stairs, tears making his green eyes shine in the light of the crystal chandelier. “Just so you know, I’d love to be your friend if you’d let me.”

Zach let out a shuddering breath, emotions flashing across his face in such quick succession she hardly kept up: shock, denial, pain, and finally longing. Such profound longing that she had to resist the urge to hug him, not sure how he’d react to such an affectionate act from her of all people.

“My shift just ended,” he said, a catch in his voice. “Would you be willing to head into town with me? There’s a coffee shop where we can sit and talk. I’ll give you a ride back after.”

She didn’t even hesitate. “Absolutely.”

Mere minutes later, they climbed into Zach’s sky-blue Jetta. Music started playing as soon as he turned on the engine, and she followed his lead when he remained quiet throughout the drive.

Downtown Fairford was a quintessential quaint New England town, with little brick shops and restaurants lining the only real street, their lights glittering in the darkness.
