Page 67 of Savoring Addison

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Tears sprung to Mason’s eyes. “You’re making that up.”

“Ask Leo,” Jonathan said with a little shrug. “I’m pretty sure I said that to him almost word for word right before we introduced ourselves to you outside the dining hall.”

Mason swallowed and looked down at his hands again. “It always was me against the world. Growing up, my mom spent half her time telling me I’m a piece of shit who doesn’t deserve to be loved, and the other half completely ignoring me. That’s all I knew.”

“The thing is,” Jonathan said, his voice as soft as Mason had ever heard it. “It hasn’t been you against the world for almost twenty years now. You’ve had us.”

“It feels like I’m losing all of you, though.” He forced the admission out before he could stop himself, and immediately wished he could take it back. Jesus, his friends would all think he was completely fucking pathetic when Jonathan told them about this conversation.

Jonathan stayed quiet for almost a minute—so long Mason almost fled from the room. Then he let out a long sigh. “I know what you mean. When I came up with the idea for the Manor, I had this perfect picture in my head of what our lives would be. But that never happened, even for a single day. It’s never been the four of us like I imagined. I’ve had to figure out how to live with that.”

Images and feelings coursed through Mason as he remembered the days and months after Leo ran off with Sophie. The unanswered texts, the sound of Leo’s voicemail message. The frustration on Jonathan and Aiden’s faces as the three remaining partners tried to make decisions about renovations and policies without their fourth vote, because Leo was too busy creating his new life in Manhattan without them.

But also the joy on Leo’s face when they managed to get him on a video call. The ease with which their friend spoke, as if he’d finally found the answer to all his life’s questions.

Mason never found it in himself to blame Leo or Sophie for what happened. Same when Aiden met Olivia, or when Rafe found Nell. His friends were happier.

They were better.

He had a feeling Addison made him better, too.

Finally, Mason forced himself to meet Jonathan’s gaze again. “Everything changed so fucking fast, and I felt like I was losing control of my life, and I just...I don’t know. I lost it for a while. But I’m figuring out how to live with it all, too.”

Leaning back in his chair, Jonathan took a long sip of his scotch, eyeing him over the rim of the glass. “Have these new revelations perhaps been brought on by a sassy blonde who makes a mean cinnamon roll?” His eyes crinkled at the corners.

Mason rolled his eyes. “You know damn well they were.”

“And another mighty bachelor has fallen,” Jonathan said, raising his glass in a mock-toast. He knocked back the rest of his drink in one. “God save the rest of us.”

Christ, what a fucking relief. Part of him had worried he’d damaged their friendship beyond repair. But if Jonathan could still joke with him, everything would be okay. “I really am sorry.”

“You don’t need to keep apologizing,” Jonathan said, his smile turning kind. “I forgave you before you even said it the first time.”

“You did?” Disbelief filled his voice. “Why would you do that?”

“Why wouldn’t I? You’re one of my best friends.” When Mason continued to look unconvinced, he said, “Look, I knew something was going on with you—something I didn’t know about or understand. I’m not an idiot.” Jonathan lifted a single shoulder in a lazy shrug. “You know what a patient man I am. I was more than willing to wait while you figured your shit out.”

Mason considered that for a bit. “How pissed are the others?”

“Rafe will come around, and Aiden’s worried about you, not pissed. None of us have seen you wound this tight since the year we started our company.”

Mason almost smiled at that. “The year you strongarmed me into finding a therapist, you mean.”

“Admittedly, my plan for this conversation was to strongarm you into finding another one,” Jonathan answered with a half-smile. “It worked so well the last time.”

He couldn’t argue against that. Therapy had turned his whole life around. “And Camden?”

Jonathan chuckled. “You know him. Nothing bothers him for longer than it takes to find the next hole to stick his dick in.”

With a short huff of laughter, Mason said, “Truer words have never been spoken.”

“So.” Reaching across the space separating them, Jonathan took the discarded drink, taking a small sip before continuing. “Can I take it this means you’ll behave at all future Saturday meetings?”

Mason’s answering smile could only be described as rueful. “I’ll do my best.”

“It’s good to have you back, man,” Jonathan said, draining the second tumbler before standing.

Climbing to his own feet, Mason hesitated for a moment, but then thought, Fuck it. He pulled his oldest friend into a hug. “You’ve always been there for me. Thank you.”
