Page 74 of Savoring Addison

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“Do you think there’s someone out there right now, watching you?” Mason asked, bringing the belt down twice more. “Someone who likes seeing bad little girls be punished.”

She raked her gaze across the nearest building, searching for any sign of movement in the dark windows. “Oh, I hope so, Master.”

With a bark of laughter, he laid twin lines of fire across her upper thighs. The sweet bite of pain brought tears to her eyes.

“Brace yourself,” he ordered. “I’m not stopping again until we’re through.”

Addison tightened her grip on the windowsill and waited, every inch of her body tingling with anticipation, her ears straining for the sound of leather slicing through the air.

He stood behind her, utterly still and silent, letting her wind herself up tighter and tighter as she waited. Just when she became sure she couldn’t stand it for another second, the belt cut through the air, landing across her sit spots with a pain so perfect she started to cry.

True to his word, the belt fell again and again without reprieve. Eighteen strokes in a row, each one driving her need higher and higher.

By the time he tossed the belt aside and pressed into her, she was about ready to die. “Don’t hold back,” she begged, arching her back, trying to find the perfect angle for him.

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He forced it out through clenched teeth as he pounded into her from behind, reigniting the fiery welts on her ass with each stroke.

Addison twisted her hips ever so slightly, gasping when his next stroke hit her G-spot. Her pussy tightened around him, making him dig his fingers even harder into her hips.

“Fuck,” he said, his rhythm faltering for only a moment. Then he was right back at it, sending surges of pleasure racing through her. “Come for me, Addison. Let them see you come with my cock buried inside you.”

His words were the last little push she needed before she toppled over the edge. A scream tore free from her throat as pleasure slammed into her like a fucking tidal wave, so hard and fast that nothing else existed.

Next thing she knew, she lay cocooned within crisp white sheets, gloriously cool against her bare skin. Disappointment filled her when she found the bed empty beside her.

Though every light was off, she could see the whole room with ease. A mere sliver of window remained visible between the mostly closed curtains, right in the middle.

Mason stood bathed in colorful, neon light as he gazed out into the city.

Pushing the sheets aside, she climbed out of bed, padding across the plush carpet on bare feet. He must not have heard her coming, because he jumped when she placed a hand on his back.

“What are you doing out of bed?” he asked softly, wrapping an arm around her and nestling her against his side.

“Looking for you,” she answered honestly. “I got worried when I woke up alone.”

He gave her shoulders an apologetic squeeze. “Sorry. I think I slept too much on the plane. Don’t let me fuck up your sleep schedule, too.”

Addison heard the lie in his voice. An experienced traveler like him knew how to beat jetlag. Something else was keeping him awake.

Lifting her head, she gazed up at his reflection in the window. He was so profoundly beautiful as he surveyed the city below, like a fallen angel or a dark, calculating god.

And he was hers. She still had trouble believing it sometimes.

“Hold me while I fall back asleep?” she asked.

Finally tearing his gaze away from the lights of Santiago, he looked down at her with a loving smile. “Of course.”

Grabbing the edge of the curtain, Addison closed it the rest of the way, plunging the room into darkness.

Mason stiffened beside her. “Are you sure?”

She held onto him a little tighter than before, but the usual panic didn’t rise through her. “You’ll never fall asleep with all this light.” He didn’t grow up in the city like her, and spent the last near-decade in the literal wilderness.


“I promise to tell you if I start to panic. Right now, I feel okay.” She paused, taking stock of her body, her emotions, making sure that wasn’t a lie. She smiled as a sense of calm drifted over her. She could do this. “Come to bed with me?”

Settling together in the center of the king-size bed, Mason pulled her body against his, enveloping her in his warmth.

“You don’t have to worry,” he whispered against her hair. “I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”

With his arms around her, and the gold collar a constant, calming weight against her throat, it was impossible to feel alone.

Addison smiled as her eyes drifted closed. “I know.”

The End
