Page 9 of Savoring Addison

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“The proper respect?” She forced out a harsh laugh. “Respect is earned, asshole.” And despite the voice of reason in the back of her head—the one screaming at her to stop while she was already behind, before she got fired—she gave him the finger.

Mason sped across the kitchen in four long strides. For a fleeting moment, she thought maybe she should turn tail and run out the kitchen’s back door. It was about twelve degrees outside, but hiding in the snowy garden seemed like a much better idea than waiting around to see what that steely glint in his eye meant.

Something kept her rooted to the spot, though. It wasn’t fear. Even though the reasonable part of her brain informed her she should be afraid.

She held her breath as Mason whirled her around, bending her over the counter. Holding her in place with a hand splayed between her shoulder blades, Mason brought his other hand down across the center of her ass.

Addison’s eyes drifted closed.

“Do. Not. Disrespect. Me. Like. That. Again.” He punctuated each word with another hard spank, spreading them around her bottom and the tops of her thighs. Then he kept right on going, kicking it up another notch in intensity.

Holy fucking hell, he was a hard spanker. The Doms at Luciana’s Lair would never punish her quite as hard as she wanted, no matter how much she begged. They hardly even left bruises.

But this...she’d have to find a full-length mirror somewhere in the Manor so she could check her ass later. He had to be leaving marks even through her pants.

It took all her self-control to hold in a disappointed groan when he finally stopped. Hell, the spanking could’ve lasted several more minutes and she still would’ve been disappointed. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt this good. It was almost like that perfect state between buzzed and drunk, when she felt like her feet were about to float right off the ground.

Spinning her back around, Mason gripped her upper arms, leaning down until their noses nearly touched. “This is my fucking house. If you want to remain here, I suggest you at least figure out how to hold your tongue in my presence. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Sir.” It slipped out before she could stop it. She drew in a sharp breath, as if doing so would somehow suck the word back in. But it was too late for that, and she damn well knew it.

Mason blinked in stunned silence for the space of three ragged breaths.

Then his mouth crashed down over hers with enough force to bend her backward over the counter. Her lips parted for him without putting up even a token fight.

Stop! He’s your fucking boss!

That part of her brain had zero control over her body right now. Burying her hands in his ridiculously thick hair, she held on for dear life as he claimed her mouth with commanding strokes of his tongue. No one had ever kissed her like this. Like he’d been searching for something his entire life, and she was his answer.

Like she was his only source of air.

“Fuck,” Mason ground out, wrenching his mouth away from hers. “This is a mistake.” But his hands still dug into her hips, like he feared what would happen if he let go. Not that it made a bit of difference. His gaze pinned her in place all on its own.

God, his eyes were so intense. She couldn’t even fucking breathe while he looked at her like that—like he could see right into her soul and read all her deepest, darkest secrets as easily as reading a book.

Why did she feel the urge to shrink away from him, as if something about her past was shameful? Fuck that. She may have lived through hell, but despite everything that happened, she grew into a strong-ass woman, thank you very much, and she was proud as fuck. No self-important gazillionaire Dom who probably never struggled for anything in his fucking life would make her feel otherwise.

Arching her brows ever so slightly, she stared back at him, doing her best to not even blink. “Stop overthinking this and fuck me, goddamnit.”

An icy fury blazed in his blue eyes a second before he spun her back around. Lifting her up, he flattened her whole torso against the countertop, leaving her short legs dangling. Reflex had her kicking out, but he easily trapped her legs with his own, pressing them against a cabinet door.

Mason pressed his hips forward, letting her feel the hard bulge of his cock as he leaned over her. “We’re going to have to do something about that filthy mouth of yours,” he whispered in her ear.

“I can say whatever the fuck I want,” she shot back, bucking her hips. Not that it did any good. All she managed to do was grind his cock harder against her ass.

With a rough growl, Mason straightened, holding her in place with a strong hand at the small of her back. With his other hand, he wrenched her pants and panties down to her knees. “I’ll teach you some fucking respect if it’s the last thing I do.” Grabbing a large wooden spoon from a nearby crock, he brought it down hard against her exposed ass.

“Fuck!” Addison yelled, kicking and squirming.

He held her in place as easily as if she were a small child. “Still not learning, I see,” he said cooly, bringing down the spoon again, peppering her ass with sharp stings.

“Fuuuuuu—” She let it trail off that time, squeezing her eyes shut and grinding her teeth together. Goddamn, this hurt. And yet it felt...



