Page 20 of Raw Deal

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“I just want to keep her safe from their influence until she knows right from wrong. If Estelle got her hands on Mia and was able to help raise her, I don’t think either of us would like the results. Think about that the next time you start to feel bad about Nik not being in her life.”

Kristina nodded. “Guess you’re right. I just hope it works out.”

“Why wouldn’t it?”

“What if something happens to Nik? What if he dies before you can introduce them? Mia might never forgive you.”

The mere thought of Nik dying chased every drop of happiness from her soul. He could be a huge jerk, but she liked knowing he was in the world. If it wasn’t for his mother, they would have married six years ago and raised Mia together.

Chloe inwardly corrected herself. They would have divorced by now, because they came from two very different backgrounds. They didn’t have the same values. His mother had been right about that much. Chloe didn’t fit into Nik’s opulent world. Eventually, he would have seen that for himself. Then he would have hired a team of lawyers and sued for full custody.

Chloe took a deep breath. “That’s a chance I’ll have to take. Now dry your face and come to the reception. Everyone is wondering where you are, and Mark wants to cut the cake.”

“I must look a mess.” Kristina blotted her face with a new tissue. “Can you tell him I’ll be there in a minute? I need to fix my makeup.”

Chloe agreed with a nod. They stood and shared a quick hug. Chloe walked back to the reception with fear riding on her heels. She prayed she was doing the right thing by keeping Nik in the dark about Mia. The whole thing could blow up in her face. She wished she had a crystal ball and could see the outcome of every decision she made on her daughter’s behalf.

For that matter, she wished she could see a future with Nik. Was there any possible way for them to work things out?

Maybe if she told him what his mother had done, things would be different between them. He seemed willing to listen now. It was a step in the right direction.

But what about their core values? How could they change enough to make a relationship work?

Was he even willing to change?

As far as she knew, Nik still thought he was right about everything, and he believed every word his mother uttered.

She forced him from her mind and pasted on a smile for the waiting crowd. The fact was, she didn’t belong with Nik Andropolis. The sooner she accepted that, the better off they would all be.

Chapter Thirteen

Three weeks later, Chloe’s life had returned to normal. She took her daughter to school before driving to the bakery, a quaint little shop with a cotton candy pink exterior. It had large windows on either side of the door and a rectangular sign on top with Sweet Expressions printed in powder blue. A large cupcake decoration sat on top of the building.

Her small business brought in enough money to pay the bills. Barely. She cut back where she could, but never on the things her daughter needed. From the start, well-meaning people told her to get a real job. They reminded her that she had a child to feed and clothe, as if she could forget. The naysayers didn’t understand she was trying to show her daughter a woman could do anything she set her mind to, and being happy was more important than having material things.

If someone had taught Nik that, maybe they would still be together.

She immediately banished the thought. Nik was in the past, and that was where he needed to stay. Unfortunately, she hadn’t received the annulment papers yet. She planned to sign them the second they arrived and shoot them back to Nik’s lawyers.

Then she’d forget he existed.

Maybe not completely. Their daughter had his eyes, molten dark chocolate that sometimes appeared black. Mia also had his quick temper. They were currently working on that at home and at school. No biting. Use your words. You need to learn to share.

Chloe juggled her purse, a book, and coffee thermos while trying to unlock the bakery’s door. Large drops of rain pelted her head. Her fingers felt frozen in the chilly Vermont air. While wishing she had found her gloves before leaving the house, she fumbled with the keys. They slipped from her fingers and hit the wet sidewalk.

Groaning, she bent her knees, reaching for them, but another set of fingers beat her to them. Masculine fingers. Familiar fingers. Her breath caught in her throat. She was afraid to look up at his face.

“Allow me,” Nik said.

He helped her stand back up--one hand on her elbow—before inserting the appropriate key into the lock. She had no idea how he knew which of the six keys was the right one, but somehow he did. Or maybe he simply made a lucky guess. That wouldn’t surprise her since Nik led a charmed life. Everything seemed to go his way... except for his relationship with her.

But that was his mother’s doing.

He opened the door and motioned for her to step inside. Her entire body shook like a sapling in a violent storm. Quickly, she hurried to the display case and set her stuff on top of the counter.

Then she turned on him. Anger and fear collided as she searched for a way to get rid of him before he discovered her secret.

“What are you doing here?” she asked, breathless. “You told me we were done. You told me I could return home to my life.”
