Page 30 of Raw Deal

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“Excuse me, but you didn’t talk about your family either.”

“It was my first serious relationship, Nik. I was following your lead.” She threw her hands into the air. “And it wasn’t just about opening up. We didn’t share anything beyond sex. Even if your mother hadn’t interfered, we wouldn’t have worked out.”

He looked surprised and a little hurt by the statement. “You were my first love, and I didn’t have a blueprint for what a perfect relationship should be either. I still don’t know.” He pulled her close. “I’m doing the best I can, Chloe, but I need your help to make this work. Can’t do it alone.”

“I’m not sure what you want me to—”

“Tell me what you want from me, what you need from me, and I promise to listen. Just keep in mind I don’t read minds. I don’t know what you want or what you need unless you tell me.”

She bit her lower lip and nodded. “Maybe we should start simple. You and I only shared sex before, so let’s try to share the most important things in our life now. You taught me how to throw a football. I want to teach you how to bake homemade bread.”

“O-kay. I’ve never cooked in my life.”

“Baking, not cooking, and I’ll show you.”

She took his hand and led him into the kitchen. There were already three bowls with rising dough waiting for them. She floured her table and dumped the dough from one bowl. “This is how you knead the dough.”

She rolled it around with an expert touch, adding flour when needed. Her hand moved around the outer edges of the dough, bringing them in and tucking them into the middle. The dough became a perfect ball.

Nik came up behind her. He put his arms around her so that he could place his hands on hers while she worked. After a few minutes, she moved his hands to the place of power. Her hands rested lightly on his. Whenever he went off the mark, she helped him get back on track.

She’d never thought of it as a sensual act before. Maybe it was just Nik. He could make anything sexy.

They finished with the first batch of dough and moved onto the second. She had to admit, he was doing a better job than she predicted. Maybe he wouldn’t become a professional baker, but he might be good enough someday to bake without supervision.

Of course, she knew all too well he had skillful hands. He could be gentle and firm at the same time, bringing her to the brink of pleasure again and again.

She blinked. Where had that thought come from?

The bread was ready to bake. She turned in his arms, ready to praise him for his good work, but his expression stopped her. His gaze dropped to her mouth. Hungry for something other than bread, he swooped down to capture her lips with his. Apparently, they had both been having sexy thoughts while kneading the dough.

Instantly, she forgot everything else but the feel of his mouth. Her flour-covered hands clutched his shoulders. He bent her backward over the dirty island. The kiss deepened, and she marveled at how easily he wiped everything from her mind. Her apron fell to the floor without her noticing him untying the strings. He bent his knees. His hands slid down her butt to her upper thighs and pushed beneath the short hem of her dress. His fingers curved around her upper thighs. He started to lift her off her feet. She guessed he was about to set her on the island’s edge and tried to protest. The island was covered with floor and bits of dough.

The little bell rang over the door.

They hadn’t turned the sign or locked the shop.

Her eyes flew open wide, and she pushed against his chest. Frantic, she whispered, “Customer! We have people out there.”

Unmoved by the panic in her voice, he winked. “I’ll get it.”

He went out front while she took deep breaths and tried to stop shaking.

She heard him say, “Welcome to Sweet Expressions. Have you been here before?”

“No,” a female voice said. “I’m just visiting. What do you recommend?”

“Well, you look like a discerning young woman with great taste. I think you would enjoy something rich and decadent with a touch of bitterness. It takes a special palate to understand that the sweet is made sweeter by the bitter.”

Not always. Chloe rolled her eyes behind the scenes. She didn’t want any bitterness in her relationship with Nik. The problem was, she couldn’t completely trust him. Not yet. Maybe never. He was an Andropolis, raised to believe money and power were more valuable than people.

She would die rather than see Mia brought up that way.

Hopefully, Nik agreed.

Chloe carried a plate of cookies into the living room where Nik was patiently waiting. She had bounced back and forth with indecision in the kitchen. Part of her wanted to show off her culinary skills by offering him something more complexed than cookies, but she didn’t want him to guess the reason behind her choice. He didn’t need to know she was hoping to impress him. The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. How often had she heard her mother say that?

Looking as nervous as a fourteen-year-old boy on his first date, Nik sat on the edge of the middle cushion. His hands were clasped, and he was tapping one foot. He swallowed hard. His Adam’s apple bobbed beneath the stiff shirt collar. He appeared uncomfortable in his trademark suit, which was unheard of for him. Where was the ruthless, arrogant businessman she’d come to know and sometimes love?
