Page 26 of Sworn to Lead

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“That’s bullshit.” This situation was going to rock Brynn to the core. Her sense of safety was going to be blown to hell. “The things he did—”

“He’s not gonna lay a hand on her, Neo.” Joker rounded the island and gripped his shoulder. “She’s yours and Jacob’s and that makes her ours, too.” Joker might’ve been suspicious of Brynn at first, but her kindness was undeniable. He’d thawed to her bit by bit, and now when Joker looked at her, there was a thread of envy in his eyes.

“Look at this picture.” Silver’s face was set. Hard lines and a frown added to his severe expression.

Silver slid his iPad to the edge of the table. Abducted Woman Thrown from Moving Car. The air around him thinned and spots flooded his vision. A picture of the victim was published with the article. Straight black hair, pale skin, and bright blue eyes stared back at him.

“Do you think he thought that was Brynn or do you think he was planning to use this woman as a warm-up before going after her? Christ, the victim could pass as Brynn’s sister,” Branch said.

Something clattered to the ground behind them. Brynn was standing just beyond the kitchen. The color had leached from her face, and her eyes were wide and full of terror.

“Who could’ve been my sister?” Her voice trembled. “And what happened to her?” She kept her hand plastered to the wall for support. “Is Fergus here? In the United States?”

He crossed the room and took her into his arms. Her body was trembling all over. The damage her brother had done was unforgivable. He scooped Brynn up, cradling her, and lowered himself down on one of the kitchen chairs. She buried her face against his chest, a move that caused a fierce blaze of protectiveness to blast through him. Maybe it was an archaic way of thinking, but since the moment he saw Brynn, something had clicked. They were two parts of a whole and he’d do whatever it took to protect her.

“We all have your back. That shithead would have to come through four Navy SEALs to get to you and Jacob. Not fucking likely.” Silver went to the fridge, dug out another bottle of water from the back, and brought it over to her.

“Thanks.” He dipped his chin and removed one hand from Brynn’s hip to take the bottle. “Take a few sips of this, sweetheart. Everything is going to be okay.” Better damn be, or Fergus would be begging him to bury his KA-BAR knife into his chest.

“I’ve brought this to your doorstep. By just being here, I could be putting Jacob and the four of you at risk. If I pack up and disappear, Fergus will have no reason to come here.”

His arms banded around her, a low growl vibrating from his throat.

Branch came over and dropped to one knee. “Honey, we are all well-honed government weapons. We’re not afraid of a sorry excuse for a human who preys on animals and women. If he comes after you, we’ll gladly disperse him to hell.”

“I’m tired of being afraid. Wasn’t it enough that our parents believed him? Chose him? He never should’ve come here.”

“He never should’ve gotten away with what he did.” He stroked Brynn’s polished hair, loving how she leaned into his touch.

“I need to know what happened.” She tilted her chin, angling her face up to him. She may look delicate, but this woman was anything but. Some of the fear that clouded her irises had hardened to determination. He wouldn’t insult her by withholding the truth.

“I asked the team to look into your brother’s whereabouts. They came back with some new information. Your brother traveled to the United States six years ago. After a year, he was arrested for taking a woman against her will, and throwing her from a moving vehicle; she got lucky.”

Brynn swung her legs to the floor and jumped up, pacing over to the island. The tablet was within reach and she grabbed it. The screen brightened and Brynn drew in a sharp breath. “She does look like me. Was hurt because of me.”

“No.” He winced at the sharpness in his voice and stood, nearly knocking the chair to the floor. “The only one responsible for that woman’s injuries is Fergus. Do not blame yourself.”

“Where is he now?” Brynn took a few steps toward him and he pulled her into a hug.

“Federal state prison. He won’t be going anywhere anytime soon, but we wanted you to know so you can be prepared and on alert.”

A bitter laugh broke from her lips. “I’ve been on alert for what feels like most of my life.”

“The difference is you’re not alone now. We’ve got your back, Brynn. If he came for you, things would end poorly for him. Plus, it would be difficult to escape Walpole.” Silver crossed his arms firmly over his chest.

“I thought you came here to meet Oscar.” She swiped her fingers beneath her eyes, brushing away tears.

“They actually came over here because I asked them to hang out with Jacob. I want to take you to dinner if you think you’re up for it.”

Brynn looked far too pale. “I—I think I’d rather stay in, but thank you for the nice offer.” She turned and left the room.

“Has to be a hell of a big shock.” Branch was on his feet, raking both hands through his hair. “Go make sure she’s all right. We’ll hang out with Jacob like we planned. Order some pizzas or something.”

“’Preciate it.” The men in front of him were his family. If something happened to him on a mission or otherwise, they’d care for Jacob and Brynn. His chest expanded with love for his brothers. They could be a pain in the ass, each stubborn and set in his own ways, but when shit hit the fan, there wasn’t anyone he’d rather have at his back. He found Jacob listening to an audiobook in the living room and explained that the guys had come over to spend time with him, then went in search of Brynn. Fergus might be locked away, but the fine hairs on the back of his neck were standing upright, and dread soured in his stomach.

Chapter Sixteen

Brynn buried her face into Oscar’s fur. He’d followed her into the bedroom and stretched out beside her. His head was resting on the same pillow, and every so often, he stretched his paw out to her, offering comfort. She needed time to regroup. Time to think about how to handle the knowledge that Fergus had been so close for years. He had lived in the same state for six years. How was that possible? Her stomach churned and bile burned up her throat. An innocent woman had received a punishment meant for her. Had Fergus stumbled on the woman by chance and grabbed her, thinking it was his sister? Or had he simply abducted her because of their likeness? Her gut told her that it was the first. Fergus must’ve been shocked and enraged when he saw that the woman wasn’t her after all and had impulsively thrown her from the vehicle. If he took her for the latter reason, the woman wouldn’t have lived. Fergus would’ve wanted to play his sick games with her.
