Page 55 of The Samaritan

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Caden chuckled. “I did, babe, it’s morning. Gotta go.”

She blinked and searched the room. Then her gaze landed on him. “Oh.”

Fuck. He hadn’t thought of a woman as cute since he’d been a teenager, but Marissa was fucking adorable, especially like this, half asleep. Her hands reached up, gripped his neck, and pulled her chest up to his. The sheet covering her tits fell to her waist, and her lips gently grazed over his. He groaned into her mouth. He should have just fucking left without waking her.

Her lips moved over his, gliding her tongue across his bottom lip. It was a tease, at least that’s how he was taking it. The last thing he wanted to do was walk out her door. Pussy whipped fucker. He needed to end this kiss while he still had fucking restraint. He pulled away and stood up. There was no need to bother with adjusting his pants. His cock was so hard, there was no way of hiding it. Her bare breasts on display with her not bothering to pull up the sheet wasn’t helping either.

“Catch ya later.”

She smiled. “Okay.”

He took one last look. There was an inner battle that he was about to lose. Turn the fuck around and leave. He jerked his chin and turned heel, walking from the room and through the living room. He was halfway to the door when he heard the murmured buzz. He looked over his shoulder, scanning the room. He stepped back and noticed her phone on the counter vibrating. He grabbed it, turning the phone over, and his chest tightened. Who the fuck is Ryan?

The phone continued to ring, and Caden resisted the urge to answer. It wasn’t his place. She had mentioned being cut off from her past with only one person she remained in contact with. And it wasn’t fucking Ryan. He glared over his shoulder at the open door to her room. Did she lie to him? His past was creeping up on him. Every woman in his life had fucked him over. Was the cycle continuing with Marissa?

He stalked over to the bedroom, stopping at the entrance.

“Who the fuck is Ryan?”

She slowly turned her head and crawled up to glance over. Her eyes were half closed and her hair a mess. It took her a minute to register, but when she eyes glanced down at the phone, her face paled.


“Who is he?” he snapped.

Her bottom lip trembled. Her silence only intensified his anger and heightened his suspicion.

“You’re not gonna tell me who he is? I was fucking you a few hours ago, but you can’t tell who this guy is?”

The phone rang again, and he glanced down, seeing the name pop up on the screen again. He tossed the phone on the bed, and Marissa grabbed for it so quick his wariness grew. “Answer it.”

“No,” she muttered.

Her refusal to answer while he was standing there confirmed his suspicion.

“Fuck you.” He turned, storming through the living room.

“Cade, please, just wait.” He grabbed the door, swung it open wide, and glared back at her.

She was standing with the sheet wrapped around her, her hair was a mess, and he was pretty sure she’d never looked more beautiful. This fucking sucks. She inched closer. “It’s not what ya think.”

“It’s not?” he snapped. “You got a man calling ya after laying your shit on me that you got nobody and ya won’t tell me who he is and you won’t answer the fucking call while I’m standing here? How does it look to you, Riss?”

“I’m sorry.”

“For what? Let me ask you, you ever fuck him?”

The dread washed over her, and her verbal response wasn’t needed. He knew the answer from the paled skin and her gasping breath.

“Fuck you, Riss!” he shouted and slammed the door behind him.

His rage was sending him to another level. He charged down the steps and across the lot.

“You all right, man?”

Caden gritted his teeth and ignored Drake’s concerned tone. He had yelled so loud; no doubt Drake had heard it. He started to the warehouse, and Drake walked in line with him. They had been best friends since they were kids. Besides Kase, there was no one who knew Caden better than Drake. Fuck me.

“You guys have a fight?”
