Page 26 of Claiming Love

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“I love you, too,” I murmur, finally relaxing fully into his embrace. We fall into a deep sleep, knowing when we wake up, we’ll both be right here, where we belong.



Jordan has officially been living up here on the mountain with me for a little over a month now. The growth I’ve seen in her is incredible, not only in her confidence but in her own identity. My woman never got the chance to discover her interests, but since she’s been here, Jordan has learned and experimented with a lot of different things.

Not only does she have a knack for gardening, but thanks to the fancy satellite Wi-Fi Wilder had installed for his woman, Ari, Jordan is now enrolled in online classes. Just a few so she can see what she likes, but I couldn’t be prouder of her for jumping in with both feet.

A smile spreads across my face when I remember that afternoon I took her to the pond, and she got her first real taste of freedom and confidence.

“What’s got you smiling so big?” Jordan asks as she comes onto the front porch to greet me after a long day working on more framework for future housing structures. It’s hard, backbreaking labor, but when I see my gorgeous woman smiling at me, those green eyes sparkling as the wind tangles in her hair, I know I’m building our future. Literally.

“You, of course,” I answer easily, stepping beside her on the porch.

I wrap my arms around Jordan and pull her in for a kiss. Like always, I get lost in everything she’s offering me. I’m nearly ready to strip her naked and bend her over the railing, but she pulls away. I grunt in disapproval, which only makes her roll her lovely green eyes.

“We’re not as alone as you may think,” she says, tipping her head toward Cassian’s cabin, where he’s walking out the door.

I reluctantly let her go, though I keep an arm wrapped around her waist. “Where are you off to?” I call out to Cassian.

He trudges a few steps closer to our cabin before answering. “Worksite.”

Classic one-word response.

“A bit late to be starting on anything. Do you have enough light?”

Cassian waves away my concern. “I’m not starting anything. I’m going to see who’s been camping out during the nights in our buildings. I know we have a squatter.”

He continues to grumble to himself about the intruder, and I let him go. Cass is going to do whatever he’s going to do, and if this gives him something else to focus on, great.

“So… where were we?” I ask, turning back to Jordan and nuzzling into the side of her neck.

“About to go inside so we don’t give anyone a show,” she sasses.

I give her a quick kiss on the cheek, then smack her ass, making her gasp. “Let’s get inside then, baby.”

As soon as the door closes behind us, I pin Jordan to the wall and devour her sexy little mouth. Her arms automatically go around my neck, and I grab her ass, squeezing her perfect cheeks and pressing her into me. I pull back and rip her shirt in two, unwilling to wait for her to take it off. I think she’ll be upset, but she bites her lip instead, and fire sparks in her eyes.

“You’re gonna pay for that,” she says sassily. I love seeing more of this side of her.


She laughs, but it turns into a moan as I yank the cup of her bra down and suck her nipple.

"Take this off," she demands, tugging at my shirt.

I step back to pull it over my head, and she gets to work on my pants after she removes her bra. I kick off my boots and yank my jeans down my legs before sliding her yoga pants and panties off her smooth, toned legs.

Not wasting another second, I back Jordan against the wall again and lift her by her ass. She wraps her legs around me and grips my shoulders. I dip my head into her neck and kiss her pulse point, nibbling and licking away the sting.

“Are you wet for me, baby? Ready for me to fuck you right here against this wall?”

“God, yes,” she groans.

I slide my aching cock up and down her slit, not penetrating her, just spreading her sweet honey all over. I bump her clit with the head of my cock, and she moans. I repeat the motion again and again until she’s shaking.

“Huxley, please, please, I need you inside me.”
