Page 98 of The Ripper

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But there’s nothing left to say to each other. She used me and tried to drive a wedge between me and Eve. There’s no remorse or contrition for her ill-thought-out plans. And I have no pity nor patience left for her. The time has come to push her aside.

As I rev my engine, she steps back enough that I can drive away with her form disappearing in my rear-view mirror as Simon stands beside her. My phone rings almost at once with Simon’s name flashing up on the console screen. I don’t know what I’m going to do about him yet. He might still have a part to play in this war, and maybe it will take care of him for me. Perhaps their sins will consume them as they have done my father and Alastair.

Regardless, my only focus right now is making everything right with Eve. She’s the only thing that matters right now. I let her go, but it’s time I bring my heart back to me.

* * *

The sky is black by the time I park outside Jess’ place. The curtains are drawn, but the flicker of the TV bleeds through the crack as I walk up the short path to the porch and ring the doorbell. It’s almost eight in the evening, but I can hear George announce that I’m at the door before he opens it with an older woman behind him.

“Sir Sloane,” he greets me with a goofy smile in his knight pyjamas.

“Sir Cameron,” I reply, holding my hand up to him. “Air five?”

He gives me a distanced high five as the woman asks, “Can I help you?”

“He’s looking for Eve,” George tells her before turning back to me and answering my unaired question. “She’s gone home already.”

“I see.”

“Mummy told her to get a cab, but she’s walking.” With a huff, he says, “Naughty, Eve.”

“Yes, very naughty Eve.” I pull my phone from my pocket to check where she might be to be greeted with the endless calls from Simon and Julian. “I’m going to go make sure she gets home safe, okay?”

“Okay.” He salutes me as I take a step back.

“I’m sorry to have disturbed you,” I tell the older woman looking between us with an amused expression.

“It’s all right.” She smiles up at me. “She wasn’t lying—you are very handsome.”

“Nanny!” George groans with a closely followed “Yuck, yuck.”

“I’ll see you soon, Sir Cameron.”

“We fight to the death,” he calls after me as I head back to my car, dialling Eve.

“It’s a duel,” I grab the chopstick that’s still in my cup holder and hold it up for him to see.

The excitement in his face makes me chuckle while I wait for Eve to pick up. She doesn’t, so I dial again as I get in the car and head towards her place. She doesn’t answer my second call or the third. I begin to question whether I misread her gesture, but I’m certain I haven’t. And after another missed call, I start to contemplate all the other reasons she might not be picking up.

This isn’t good. The thought keeps turning about my head as I dial the one person I know will be able to locate her without senseless questions.

“You’re calling me,” Freddie groans, answering his phone. “What’s happened?”

“I need a favour.” It’s a rarity for me to call him for anything, but unlike our cousin the Prince, his talents exceed fucking and drinking.

“Is it going to fuck me over?”


“What is it?” he asks with a fair enough tone to his voice.

“I need you to locate a mobile for me.”

He lightly shushes his grumbling newborn before he asks, “The number?”

Once I’ve given it to him, he takes a moment to say anything while I try to keep myself calm. “Anything?”

“Give me a fucking minute. I’m working one-handed here.” His son gripes again just as a text from him pings on the console screen. “Is she in trouble?” There’s an edge of concern to his voice. “If she is, you need to let Casper know.”
