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“Well, if you’re going to tell a funny story, it’d better make me laugh.” Cassidy playfully shoves my thigh with her foot.

I catch it before she pulls it back and slowly rubs it with both hands, applying pressure along the arch with my thumbs. “Are you always this impatient?”

“That feels… Sweet Jesus, Mary, and Joseph…” Her gravelly moan travels all the way down south, reigniting the voracious fire I was just about containing.

With my cock throbbing, and my blood pumping hard and fast, I’m struggling to think past the need blazing in my veins.

“So?” Cassidy asks, her voice threadbare as I rake my thumbnail across her soft skin.

“So…” I clear my throat, steadying my lust-thickened voice. “I was asleep on the bus while all my teammates were out looking for me all night.”

A laugh sputters from her, interrupted by a whimper when I gently circle her foot with one hand and slowly massage up her ankle to the back of the knee with the other.

I continue for a while, rubbing her feet and massaging the bottom half of her legs while I tell her my craziest stories from back in the day. Cassidy is almost in a deep sleep when I quietly get up and pull a cover over her before I slowly take her glasses off. I’m turning the bedside light off when she grabs my hand, pausing me in my tracks.

“I know you’re not about to go sleep on the sofa out there,” she says, scooting to the other side of the bed. “Get in, Leif. We’re two tired grown-ups in need of a decent night’s sleep.”

A big yawn cuts her off, and before she pushes again, I slip into bed beside her, lying on my back with my hands at my sides, stock still so my body doesn’t get any funny ideas. In the dark, I focus on the sound of her short breaths punctuating my erratic heartbeat and close my eyes.

It’s impossible to ignore her presence beside me. The heat of her body is seeping into mine, cooking up all the visions of her wearing my clothes. She’s so sexy that every cell of my being is dying a desperate, agonising death with every second that ticks by.

“Leif…?” she whispers.


“Thank you,” she says quietly, her hand finding mine on the bed and clasping it tightly. “Thank you for being nice to me even though I wasn’t all that nice to you.”

I’m not sure how I’m meant to sleep now that my body is buzzing from her words. “I’ll probably deserve it at some point or another. Just promise me that when I do, you’ll remember you’ve already given me part of the shit for it.”

“I promise.” Cassidy chuckles, and I lace our fingers together and coax her closer.

Nothing more is going to happen between us, but I’ll take anything right now as long as it means I get to hold her.

Thick snow continues to fall relentlessly, as it did through the night, while Cassidy and I sit in the open doorway of our balcony overlooking snowy Budapest, enjoying our breakfast picnic. It’s cold into the negatives, and even though she’s wearing one of my sweaters with the hood up around her messy hair, she’s shivering. Pulling our shared, thick blanket tighter around us, I adjust myself to make it easier for her to lean into me.

Over the course of last night, she’s thawed out some. Maybe it was the conversation with her friend, or perhaps she’s understood the situation we’ve found ourselves in isn’t so bad. Personally, I’m enjoying not being alone. Having something other than work to focus on is refreshing. If Cassidy wasn’t here, I’d be at the dining table watching the markets, working on the best strategies for making my clients more money than they already have.

“Last night you said you love visiting the city,” Cassidy says, reaching for her tea on the short stool we’re using as a makeshift table. “Do you come here often?”

“Are you trying to pick me up?”

“God, no.”

“With that line, it sounds like you are.” I chuckle, not expecting her to reply with a sharp elbow to my ribs. “Vicious.”

“You had it coming.”

“I wish I did,” I mutter under my breath.

Cassidy turns to face me. Her face glows ethereal in the silvered light reflecting off the settled snow in front of us, softening the scowl she’s levelling me with. “Excuse me?”

“You are excused, Cassidy Morgan. But don’t forget the promise you made me last night about going easy on me.” I sweep the curtain of hair blowing around her face to the side, twisting it around my fingers before I comb it behind her ear.

“Easier,” she corrects, glancing down at our laps when I stroke my thumb from her ear to her clavicle.

If I could just be certain that she wouldn’t freak out, I would kiss her right now. I’d tip her face back to mine and hold it tightly in my hands as I pressed my lips to her. Slow at first, but with the fire burning in my belly, the softness wouldn’t last long.

“So? Do you visit Budapest often?”
