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A long time ago. Dara did not show her discomfort as she answered, “I’m hunting for him right now.” The offer to help came from several at once, and Dara smiled. They truly were special. “I appreciate it, but everyone wants to see you here. Don’t worry, I’ll return soon with him.”

The women exchanged glances. Then they each gave her a hug, bidding farewell. “We often get together when the men are busy. You should join us sometime.”

The urge to say yes made her shake her head even quicker. She couldn’t enmesh herself in Jason’s life, in a world that wasn’t hers. “I appreciate that, but I’m a little swamped with the team. But it was wonderful to meet you.”

The ladies said their goodbyes and dispersed, all except Laura. She leaned down to her daughter. “Honey, there’s Daddy. Why don’t you run to him?”

Jeanie grabbed her mother’s hand. “I have a better idea. How about we play hide and seek? Daddy loves that game. Although it won’t be as fun without Jeanie.”

Dara lifted an eyebrow, pointed at the grinning girl. “Isn’t her name–”

“Jeanie, yes. But we also got a cat named Jeanie. You don’t want to know.” Laura laughed, then turned back to her daughter. “We can play when we get back to the hotel. Now go tell him about your plans to teach the cat how to make pancakes.” She chuckled as her daughter ran into the arms of a well-built man. Aidan Bancroft was a powerful billionaire businessman that attracted much attention, yet he only had eyes for his wife. He gazed at her with a quiet intensity, his adoration and love clear for all to see.

What would it be like to have a man look at her like that? A voice inside whispered…

Maybe someone already did.

“I just wanted to wish you well with Jason. You guys go well together.”

Wait – she didn’t think… “Oh no.” Dara held up her hands. “You have the wrong idea.”

“You don’t need to explain,” Laura spoke quietly. “I just wanted to tell you he’s not the guy everyone is making him out to be.”

Dara stilled. What did that mean?

The pregnant woman looked like she was considering saying more, then exhaled. “It’s not my place to share. Just don’t believe everything you hear about him. You’re not the only one with secrets.”

What was she referring to? The women, the drinking, the accident? There was no polite way to ask, so instead Dara nodded a farewell, then continued on her way. Yet cryptic clues swirled, leading to even more uncertainties. Perhaps it was time to dig deeper into Jason Sterling.

For now, however, she would focus on finding him. She cleared her mind as she messaged the driver and waited for her car. Yet as the minutes passed, her frustration and anger returned. No matter what he’d done to help, he had still skipped the vital fundraiser and disappointed a lot of people.

She punched in his cell phone number as soon as she entered the limo. It rang several times, and just when it seemed it would go to voicemail, Jason’s voice sounded. “Hello?”

“Jason, where are you?”

“Dara? What’s wrong? You sound upset.”

“Of course, I’m upset. Your name is listed as one of the highlights of the charity ball, but you’re not here.” She fought to keep the frustration – and hurt – out of her voice. “It’s one thing getting back at me, but ditching a charity event is wrong.”

“I know.” The words were genuine, the tone contrite, without even a hint of sarcasm. “I plan on being there. Just give me half an hour. I have to fini–” He was interrupted by some sort of loudspeaker in the background.

She gasped, her heart skidding to a stop, as the announcement called for a doctor. All anger vanished, leaving only concern and worry. “Are you at the hospital?”

There was silence. “I’ll be there soon. Just give me a few minutes.”

“I’m coming.” Dara hung up the phone, before she asked which hospital he was at. However, there was a major hospital a few blocks away – chances were he would be there. Heart thundering, she directed the limo driver.

Chaotic thoughts usurped every second of the five-minute drive to the hospital. Was Jason sick? Had he gotten hurt? He had taken a solid hit in last night’s game, but as usual he’d shrugged off medical attention. Had it turned into something more?

Her apprehension spiraled as the limo dropped her off at the hospital’s main entrance, and she raced through the wide glass doors. She must’ve looked terrified because the gray-haired receptionist looked instantly alarmed. “Do you need a doctor?”

“No.” Dara gripped the smooth quartz counter, shivering in the frigid white room. “I work for the Florida Dragons. I’m here to see Jason Sterling.”

“Oh, okay.” The woman looked instantly relieved, even smiled. “I thought you needed the emergency department. Mr. Sterling is in pediatrics. If you can provide your identification, I’ll send you right up.”

What was Jason doing in pediatrics? She fumbled in her purse before handing the woman both her driver’s license and team identification. The woman printed a sticky I.D. badge. “Second elevator on your left, then up to the fifth floor.”

Nodding, Dara hurried to the elevator, then counted the seconds on the longest ride ever. When the door slid open with a ding, she jumped out and immediately searched for the reception desk.
