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She drew in a sharp breath. He was dangerous. Not to her physically, but in a thousand other ways. She forced her body to relax, easing her stance. “I’m sorry, I’m just a little shaken by what happened.”

“You are?” His voice softened with genuine concern, and she hid her surprise. Did he actually care?

It made her distinctly uncomfortable. “I’m okay. Better than okay.” She gave what she hoped was a coy grin. “In fact, I’d even say great, now that you’re here.”

The frown melted into a slow, tigerlike smile. “Oh yeah?”

“It’s not every day you get rescued by the…” The words vanished from her mind. What would an adoring fan say? The memory of the celebrity-crazed woman next to her flashed. “Hot tamale muscle man of your dreams!”



Had she actually called him the hot tamale muscle man of her dreams?

His grin stretched across the room. Yeah, she had.

“Tell me more.”

He hadn’t boxed her into a corner, just watched while she neatly did it all by herself. “I know who you are, of course.” Everyone did, she couldn’t pretend otherwise. “The best catcher in baseball.”

He leaned down, invading her space, demanding more. Like the doting fan she pretended to be, she’d have to oblige. What else had those women said? “I think you’re just fantastic and wonderful and um… fantastically wonderful.” What the hell was she saying? “Your skill with baseball is just legendary. And of course your personality…”

Could his smile widen any more? “Yes?”

“You’re just the most charming, masculine, virile…” Where the hell had that come from? “Fantastically wonderful…” Hadn’t she already said that? “Man ever!! And don’t get me started on your body!”

He was desperately trying not to laugh. “Please do.”

She opened her mouth and gulped. It was like taking a midnight stroll through a nightmare. Yet there was absolutely no need to be anything less than honest. Physically, the man was unparalleled. “What can I say? You obviously exercise a lot.” She hesitated… a true fan would be far more detailed. “You’re hotter than a jalapeño in the Sahara.” Too far! “I mean you have a fantastic body, all towering and big and muscular.” She licked her lips. “And you’re just so huge and powerful.” This was going downhill fast – time for the big finale. “I mean what woman wouldn’t want to rub her hands all over that and take a lick?”

Oh. Crap.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

Had she really just told Jason Sterling she wanted to take a lick? It was bad enough when the women gossiped, but that was nothing compared to saying it to his face. She took a peek under heavy lashes. He was looking like he wanted far more than a lick, more like the entire feast. What would it feel like to delve that close to Jason Sterling?s

Heat engulfed her.

“You’re just full of surprises, aren’t you?” he drawled, yet his expression was contemplative, as if he sensed more than she revealed. “Would you like to join me?” He dangled the opportunity like a shiny golden token from a video game, the prize she’d pursued with her nonsensical rant. Only as he studied her like a hungry lion eyeing a gazelle, she wasn’t so sure.

He didn’t give her a choice. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” He took her hand, completely engulfing her small fingers in his large, heated and strong grip. As she allowed him to lead her across the room, it felt like she was surrendering far more than just a few moments of time.

She shook her head, forced herself to focus. They reached his table, and she paused. “Where did your friends go?”

Jason held out her chair, then sat down. He offered her a glass of white wine, but she held up her hand. She would need all her senses. He poured them each a glass of sparkling water. “How did you know I was here with friends?”

“Oh, you know.” Dara grabbed her glass, took a much larger sip than ladylike. “I just assumed a man like you would always be surrounded by women.” She winced. “I mean friends.”

He sat back in his chair. “I like to be social, but I’m not always surrounded by women.” He winked. “I mean friends. Actually, sometimes I wish I could be a little more inconspicuous.”

She didn’t say anything, but her expression must have given her away.

“Hey, it’s true. Deep down I’m a shy guy.”

“Now I know you’re teasing me.” For the first time this night, a genuine smile poked through. “You’re about as shy as a Tyrannosaurus Rex.”

“Those guys were misunderstood.” He returned an easy smile. “Okay, maybe I wouldn’t go that far. But I’m not quite the party animal everyone makes me out to be. People only see what’s on the outside.”
