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“This is far better than twenty million dollars,” Bella exclaimed. “How could you not tell me you’re Jason Sterling girlfriend!”

Oh sh–

Dara opened her mouth. Nothing came out. She tried again. “Excuse me?”

“I can’t believe you’re dating Jason Sterling! The most desired bachelor in the universe, the man every red-blooded woman wants, and he’s yours. Why didn’t you tell me?”

What was happening? Had people somehow discovered their night together? Was she still asleep?

“It’s all over the news,” Bella continued gleefully, apparently satisfied now that she was in on the secret. “It’s on all the social media websites. Those pictures of you dancing at the ball were just dreamy.”

Pictures from the ball? Dread washed over her. “Bella, I have to go.”

“Wait. I need details.”

“There are no details.” Actually, there were, but none she would ever share. “This is all a big misunderstanding. I’ll call you later.” She hung up the phone and reached for her laptop. Just as she grabbed it, her cell rang again.

It was her uncle. “Do you have something to tell me, sweetheart?”

She closed her eyes, silently counting to one million. “Uncle Pat, this isn’t what it seems.”

“It’s fine, honey.”

“You see… wait, what?” Pat hadn’t been concerned about her relationship with Jason before, but this was different. Now there were rumors of a romance. “It’s all a mistake. Jason and I are just friends.”

“And if you’re more than that, that’s fine, too. You’re old enough to make your own decisions. It’s time for me to stay out of it.”

Dara halted. Her uncle never stayed out of it. Why would he step back now? Unless… “Pat, did you do anythi–”

“I’m sorry, sweetheart, I have to go. Aunt Mary needs me. Enjoy your day off.” The phone clicked dead.

Dara stared at the bright “Call Ended” message. Within seconds, it rang again. She answered it cautiously. “Hello?”

“Dara Everett?”


“This is Annie Jameson from the television show Celebrities Tonight. I wanted to chat with you about Jason Sterling.”

“No comment.” As the woman repeated her inquiries, Dara responded with “no comment” three times before hanging up the phone. It rang immediately, with the caller ID of a local news station. She didn’t answer.

She raced to the computer to find she was the story de jour. She and Jason were featured on social media site after social media side, from the most unscrupulous gossipmongers to the most trusted influencers. Each one had the same picture of them dancing at the ball, locked in a lover’s embrace. The stories were definitive: Credible sources confirmed she and Jason Sterling were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Yesterday the news panned Jason’s irresponsible behavior, now they’d moved to his love life. It took the focus off the accident, but she hadn’t planned on trading her privacy for it. She peered closer at the picture, which was surprising sharp and well balanced for a surreptitious snapshot. She reeled back as recognition dawned. Jenny had taken it.

She reached for her phone, which was of course ringing again. Just as it switched off, she quickly dialed. Jason answered immediately. “Hello?”

“What did you do?”

“Do with what?”

“You know with what.” The call waiting signaled another call… she ignored it. “Have you seen social media this morning?”

“As a matter of fact, I have,” he said calmly.

Do not yell. Do not scream. Do not accuse him of doing what you know he did. “Do you know you’re in it?”

His shrug was all but audible. “Was there commentary about the last game?”
