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What was happening? This was not following the script in her head. The seconds ticked, yet there was no way out with sacrificing her job or her heart. “All right. For the sake of your image and my career, I’ll let the ruse stand – temporarily.” She lifted a finger before he could dictate her entire future. “A couple of weeks should do it.”

He didn’t respond, which was a response in itself. He wasn’t agreeing to a time limit. “I should go,” she said abruptly.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” His deep voice stopped her. “If we want everyone to think we’re dating, we’re going to have to act like it. We’re going to have to show the world…”

“Starting now.”


It was like the ninth inning of the World Series, when you smashed that ball with all your might and waited to see if you hit it out of the park. Jason didn’t just need a hit – he needed a home run. Whether he got it depended on the woman before him.

Myriad emotions flittered across Dara’s face: defiance, excitement, fear, anticipation. Did she realize how much of it showed? For Jason, one emotion eclipsed all: eagerness.

“What do you mean?” Dara chewed on her ruby red lip, bright against the darkness of her suit. The conservative outfit drove him crazy, doing nothing to hide the fire of the woman underneath. She was perfection.

“We need to start acting like boyfriend and girlfriend.” He clasped his hands together. “Cozying up. Going places together.”

Her eyes narrowed. That she was going to protest was obvious. “We go places together all the time.”

“Yes, but as colleagues. We need to go on dates.”

Her tongue darted out as she licked the lips he longed to taste. Twin spots of pink darkened her cheeks as she caught his gaze. Yet she lifted her chin. “All right,” she agreed. “Next week we’ll go to a movie or something.”

It was progress, but not enough. “Actually, I was thinking of something a little sooner. The Dragons are hosting a family fun day tomorrow – your idea I believe. After the festival, they’ll be an old-fashioned country dance.”

“That could work.” She visibly relaxed. “I was planning on attending anyway.”

“Yes, but now you’ll have to act like my girlfriend. Walk with me, talk with me, stay close.” The worry returned to her eyes, and he sought to soothe her. He didn’t like making her uncomfortable. “Don’t worry, you’ll have fun. I promise.”

She muttered, “That’s what I’m afraid of,” but then she nodded her agreement. “All right, I’ll meet you there at noon.”

“What kind of boyfriend doesn’t drive his girlfriend? I’ll pick you up at 11:30.”

She opened her mouth – clearly to argue – but then closed it. “Fine. But I’m not going to always give in to you.”

He smiled widely. “I wouldn’t want you to.” Then just because he couldn’t stop himself, he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on those delectable lips. She tasted like pancakes, fresh strawberries and perfection. It ended all too soon, yet dilated pupils proved she couldn’t resist any more than he could.

She turned and walked out of the kitchen and his presence, but not for long. If what he planned came to fruition, this relationship would last far longer than weeks. Far longer than months.

Far longer than forever.

She could’ve run a marathon around the world in the time it took to prepare for the event. Dara tried on outfit after outfit after outfit. If she could’ve dressed in a power suit, she would’ve, but a formal jacket and pumps would’ve looked mighty strange in the county park. Instead, she settled on dark blue skinny jeans and a vintage Dragons t-shirt washed to cloudlike softness. When she had finally gotten dressed and slipped on her comfy sneakers, she pulled her hair into a ponytail and went outside to wait for Jason far earlier than necessary. No way would she risk him coming into her home. By their history, one of them would probably end up naked.

He arrived fifteen minutes before scheduled. Even Dara could appreciate the gleaming black Porsche that roared toward her, all sleek and shiny. Then Jason exited the car, and all attention went straight to the prize.

If it was difficult to hide her admiration for the car, it was far more challenging to hide it from the powerful man who emerged from its luxurious interior. As if he’d somehow sensed her plans, he’d also paired blue jeans with a vintage Dragons shirt, form-fitting attire that outlined his plentiful muscles. Cleanly shaven, his hair neatly combed, he was all controlled power and handsome strength. He made no effort to hide his own appreciation, as he whistled lowly. “Stunning.”

She cleared her throat, wiped away the blush staining her cheeks. “With this car, everyone will notice us.” She wagged her finger. “The point is to save your image, not flaunt our supposed relationship.”

He shrugged, clearly unconcerned. He held the door open for her, then entered himself. “This accomplishes both.”

“You know this is only temporary, right?”

He didn’t respond as he revved the engine to life. Totally ignoring the insinuation the relationship would continue, as well as her own body’s reaction to said insinuation (Hip hip hooray!), she focused on business, removing the schedule from her purse. “Here’s the order of events for today. The opening ceremonies go first, with appearances by the major team players. After that, there are sports competitions, games and other fun activities for the entire family. Finally, there will be a free barbeque along with the country dance, where a popular local band will play.”

He deftly turned the wheel, maneuvering the car with the smoothness of a curveball. “Sounds like fun.”

Dara looked over sharply, but his expression was sincere. “It’s not how you usually spend your afternoons. There aren’t going to be many single women there.”
