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Growing up in the city, Jason had never been to a country dance before, but the team had done a fantastic job creating an authentic atmosphere in the modest suburban park. In a large outdoor tent, a magical world came alive, complete with rustic wood tables covered in daisies, baby’s breath and candlelit lanterns in a rainbow of colors. String lights glowed in the royal blue twilight, and the scent of fresh roses drifted through the air. In the corner a country band played sweet melodies, beautiful tunes reminiscent of childhood summers with the best of friends.

Jason sipped fruit punch as the people around him laughed and conversed, swirling to a lively two-step. The dance had started half an hour ago, but Dara hadn’t shown up yet. He fought a sharp pang of disappointment. Had she decided not to come after all?

Then he heard one of his teammates exclaim, “Is that Dara? She looks different.”

Jason turned and stared at the woman so different without her somber power suits and starched jeans. The sweet yellow sundress with tiny pink flowers fit her just as he’d imagined, fitted at the top to accentuate her soft curves and flaring out at the bottom in feminine waves. She’d let her rich tresses fall down her back, soft and sweet and so very beautiful. She walked toward him, her lips curving into an alluring smile and her eyes twinkling. Without a doubt, she was the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen.

He couldn’t help reaching out to touch her. Her skin was as soft as rose petals. “You are stunning.”

She turned pink, and her lips parted. She seemed truly happy, and for once he felt it. For the first time since the accident, the world had hope, and he had purpose. He simply had to make her see it. At that moment, his path became clear, his future set.

Only to convince her, would he have to reveal the truth?


Dara gazed at Jason, as the anxiety, stress and uncertainty melted away under the soft candlelight. The world was just too magical, too perfect, borne of pure enchantment. She was a princess in her bespoke cotton dress, standing next to the handsome prince. A soft breeze ruffled her hair, sweetened with the lovely scent of roses and gardenias.

Jason was pure perfection. There was no sign of his wet afternoon as he stood completely clean and dry in navy blue jeans and a burgundy dress shirt. His hair was once again neatly combed, his smile wide as he gazed at her.

“Would you like to dance?” His voice flowed as smooth as honey, its deep undertones a balm to her worry.

She nodded and allowed him to take her hand. Together they walked to the makeshift dance floor, which was little more than a clearing of the brush, and yet seemed like a grand ballroom. She had little experience with country dances, couldn’t imagine he did, but from the second he took her in his arms, it was flawless. They were in perfect tune with each other, laughing as they spun around, dancing to the quick yet catchy melody. Tomorrow there would be anxieties and worries, but for tonight she was free.

Then a slow song came on, a tender ballad about a man finding his one true love, and Jason held her close as they swayed to the music. She loved the feel of his arms around her, the strength of his corded muscles securing, enveloping, possessing. He moved a little closer than he should’ve, but somehow it was okay. Better than okay – it was perfect.

They alternated between fun, quick dances and slow, romantic ones. Ever popular, Jason made time to mingle with his fans. He never said no to a picture or an autograph and showed no snobbery or arrogance for his elite position. When she was hungry, he led her to a romantic table for two, then piled her plate high with perfectly roasted vegetables, sweet baked beans, creamy coleslaw and the moistest cornbread she’d ever tasted. She ate her fill and then some, then sat back and observed the magical surroundings.

“Are you enjoying yourself? The dancing, the music, the setting, everything?”

“Magical, magical and magical.” She couldn’t stop the honesty, and for once she didn’t want to. “Especially the company.” She smoothed the napkin on her lap. “I hope you didn’t mind the dunk tank. I did it when I was…” She hesitated. “Frustrated.”

“It’s okay.” Shining eyes proved his sincerity. “To be honest, it was fun. This whole day has been great.”

“Yeah, it has.” The world seemed lighter, her burden less. “You’re an okay guy, Jason Sterling. I’m glad you’re letting the world see the real you.”

He clasped his hands in front of him, flexing his muscles. “Right now, there’s only one person I want to show.” He leaned closer, spearing her with eyes as blue as the twilight. “A beautiful woman I’d like to get to know better. A woman I want to be with, to make happy.”

“You shouldn’t say things like that.” She lowered her voice, as a flush heated her skin. “You may feel that way now, but for how long? A few days, a few weeks? Until my work is done, or you find someone else? You see me as a challenge.”

“You’re far more than that,” he said softly. “The truth is, I’m not sure you’re ready to know how long I have in mind.”

Her breath hitched. He couldn’t possibly be talking about… No. She gave a curt headshake. “So I’m not a challenge?”

“Oh, you are that.” His eyes flashed with predator-like strength. “Just not a challenge for its own sake. I have an end goal.” This time he didn’t make her ask. He simply leaned closer and whispered, “I plan to keep you.”

All the oxygen left the universe. There were no words, no response to the unexpected admission. Then he stood and offered his hand. Like before, she could do nothing but take it, follow him to the dance floor and sway to another slow ballad. And still she had no response.

She danced for the rest of the night, moving as if in a dream. They took only small breaks to wish goodbye to countless families, accepting congratulations both on the success of the event and their new relationship. It was obvious they’d fooled everyone into believing the relationship was real. She’d even fooled herself.

One subject that never emerged was the accident. For once, the pain of the past, his and hers, remained in the background, unable to ruin the perfect evening. Perhaps it was time to relegate them to the past permanently, where they should’ve been all along. Was it fair to judge him for what happened to her parents, or even for what happened to Alan? And if that obstacle vanished from their relationship, perhaps there could be a chance for something more.

As all good things do, the night finally ended, despite her hope it would somehow last forever. They rode to her home in silence save for small pleasantries and light conversation. He parked in her driveway, yet instead of leaving, she stayed in the car, surrounded by beams of starlight and a thousand unshared emotions. “That was…” She searched for the right word.


She nodded, for there was no better description. She willed herself to grasp the door handle, to disembark and escape the precarious situation. But she did neither. With the handsome man so alluring next to her, all she could do was lean in.

He closed the gap between them.
