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“I need to talk to Jason.” She shot up, pivoted to the door. Just before she reached it, she turned back. “Did you have a bigger part in this than I realized?”

He shrugged, but his eyes were smiling. She shook her head. “You never had any intention of minding your own business, did you?”

“With the daughter of my heart?” Pat’s eyes were suspiciously shiny. “Never.”

She sighed softly, with nothing but love for the man who’d raised her. “Thank you. I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

And that was everything.


The text was simple, straightforward and to the point. We need to talk. I’ll be there in five.

Now Jason could only wonder why.

He’d been in difficult situations before, moments that defined his life. Like when a scout evaluated an overeager kid, when he won his First World Series, the accident – all those things changed his life. And yet somehow nothing seemed as pivotal as this moment.

Dara was his perfect. No other relationship was close to what he and Dara shared, and nothing ever would be. The chemistry was undeniable, the desire all-encompassing, the attraction forging a far deeper connection. He’d known of the possibilities for a long time, but time had unlocked the truth he’d been afraid to admit.

She was his missing piece.

Dara was everything he ever wanted and more. Sweet and spunky, sassy and giving, kind and caring. Even in their short time together, he’d acquired new feelings, emotions he could barely name. He hadn’t known then what they meant, but now he did. He loved her.

He was in love with her.

And he was going to do something about it. With the same determination that earned him multiple World Series championships, he would go after what he wanted. It was time to swing and see just how far the ball flew. He dialed on his cell and made arrangements, setting in motion a plan he’d had for weeks. He’d just finished when she walked in. At once, the sight of her made him smile like a pitcher who’d just thrown a perfect game. Yeah, he had it bad. “Hi there.”

She wasn’t smiling, and his own grin faded. Had she come to a decision about their relationship? He braced himself, yet her next words stole his breath. “I know the truth about the accident.”

“What?” He swallowed, didn’t say a word for a thousand moments. When he spoke, his voice was quiet, cautious. “What do you know?”

She moved closer, her gaze probing, beseeching, knowing. “The newspapers got it wrong. You never gave Alan your keys – instead you tried to stop him. You prevented a far greater tragedy by risking your life. All along, you’ve been the responsible one, the one looking out for everyone. Why did you let everyone believe otherwise?”

He held her gaze, and for a moment considered denying it. Then he sighed softly. “Who told you?”

She pursed her lips.

“You uncle, most likely.” He breathed out. “Listen, Dara, it’s in the past. Let’s just forget about it. Thankfully, most of the public seems to have.”

“Not everyone.”

No. He would never forget it. “It will always be part of my legacy, as it should be. It doesn’t change anything.”

“Doesn’t change anything? It changes everything.” Dara held up her hands. “The press is skewering the Dragons because they think your party culture led to tragedy, but that’s not true. One person made one bad – no, horrific – decision, but you tried to fix it.”

“I bought Alan the drinks. I had my keys where he could reach them.”

“You ordered him a ride,” Dara responded firmly. “And you couldn’t know he would steal your keys.”

“I should’ve.” He fought to get his emotions under control. “Nothing you say is going to convince me it wasn’t my fault.”

“Do I get a try?”

The world stilled. Every muscle clenched. The air turned thick at the new voice, one who haunted more nightmares than he could count. The lighthearted tone of a youngster just past boyhood had been replaced by the voice of a hardened man, the cadence stiff and somber. Jason breathed deeply, then pivoted, careful to keep all emotion off his face.

Guilt engulfed him.
