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“I understand.” Pain tinted her eyes, and yet hope tempered it. Most of all, understanding. “For so long I blamed myself for my parents’ deaths. I prayed for a way to turn back time, to somehow make a different decision. Yet things happen in our lives that we can’t control, and we have to accept it.”

So. Very. True. Yet presence didn’t equal culpability, and guilt couldn’t redo the past. Suddenly, he couldn’t stay away from her any longer. He opened his arms, and she walked into them. “Just like I wasn’t responsible for Alan’s accident, you weren’t responsible for yours. The only way to move forward is to let go of the past. Not to forget, but to find peace so you can forge the future you deserve. But first you must accept you deserve that future.”

She returned the hug, wrapping her arms as far as they would go around him. She whispered against his chest, “You’re an amazing man, Jason Sterling.”

He grinned, loosened his arms, but stayed close. He would never let her go. “Don’t say that out loud. I have a reputation to maintain.”

“Whatever you say.” She chuckled. “But if you ask me, you’re a big softie.”

He straightened in fake indignation. “I’m dangerous, remember?”

A slow blush turned creamy skin bright pink. Surely, she remembered the last time she’d called him dangerous, and what happened after. She reached out and touched his chest, casting burning heat. “About as dangerous as a kitty.”

He grasped her hand. “Are you sure about that?”

“You might be more a tiger than a kitty,” she whispered.

“That’s what I thought.” He brushed his lips against hers. She tasted as sweet as honey, all soft feminine curves. She was pliant yet strong, in the place she belonged. Forever. With endless effort, he pulled back way too soon. “I wish I could take you somewhere more private, but I have plans to make.” He kept his face expressionless. Did she know his intentions toward her?

She lifted an eyebrow but didn’t press. “Be careful out there. Like Alan said, the media is going to go wild over this.”

Yes, they would. However, his next move may trump it all. “Maybe I’ll give them something else to talk about.” If what he planned proceeded, there would be enough headlines for a year.

Her gaze was a little suspicious and all beautiful. She lifted her chin. “How about this?” This time, she pressed her lips to his.

After a rather delicious parry, he finally managed to break it off. Only he couldn’t quite leave, not with the woman he was planning on spending the rest of his life with so beautiful, so flushed, so desirable. “I’ve been called the most competitive man in America. I can’t let you make the last move.” He bent down for another kiss. Of course, after that kiss, it was her turn, and then his again and hers.

Seven kisses later, they called it a tie.

There was something different about this day.

Dara couldn’t quite figure it out, but somehow the sunshine seemed brighter, the air crisper, the world happier. Something was definitely different.

It could be her.

She walked with newfound purpose through the stadium, with fresh hope and endless optimism. She’d finally figured out what her heart had been telling her all these months, to fight her fear and embrace the love Jason represented. How he’d react was uncertain, and deep within her she still worried he saw her as a challenge. Giving your heart away was never without danger, but the reward, now that was extraordinary. After today’s game, Dara would reveal her true feelings.

Today’s game was actually an important one. Once again, the Dragons had made the playoffs, and now they were in the second round. The series was tied 2-2. The winner of the game would move to the World Series and the other team would see their season end.

Dara didn’t go to the locker room for the team meeting as she usually did. She couldn’t face Jason again without confessing her feelings, and she couldn’t do that before such an important game. Thus instead of sitting in the club seats, she sat in the stands adjacent to the field. Even if she couldn’t talk to Jason, she wanted to be as close as possible.

The opening rituals started, with exuberant cheers for the hometown favorites.

Dara waved to little Crystal, back at the stadium with an adorable pixie cut. She’d been declared cancer free and was having a ball taking picture after picture.

Dara clapped when the team came out, and as usual Jason garnered the most applause. As if he could sense her in the audience of thousands, he gazed directly at her. Their eyes locked, something profound passing between them. It was a promise, a pledge, that soon everything would emerge.

The game started, but despite its importance, Dara could scarcely keep track of the competitive match. One team would score, then the other would answer. The innings sprinted along at more racecar than baseball speed, and soon it was the ninth inning. The Dragons were up 7-6, but at the last minute, the opponent’s star hitter scored a homer with one man on base. With only the bottom of the ninth remaining, the Dragons were down by one.

The first batter came up for the Dragons, a stellar rookie with a great average. Unfortunately, three strikes quickly ended his turn. The second batter was usually dependable, but this was not his moment. He hit an easily caught fly ball to left field. Next came a power hitter. The crowd collectively held their breath as he swung at a slightly low ball… and made a decent grounder. He made it to first, keeping the Dragons’ hopes alive.

Excitement turned the stadium electric as Jason came to bat. The crowd stood, their cheers growing louder, as the last hope of the season approached the plate. Jason held the bat firmly in his grip, his focus and control eclipsed only by his power. The pitch came fast and low. He took a ball. Another pitch came, this one just in the pocket, and it was a swing and miss. It alternated balls and strikes until it finally reached 3-2, full count. Dara held her breath as the pitcher wound up. He pitched…

And Jason swung. He hit the ball with such power, the crack reverberated throughout the stadium. The ball soared… and soared… and soared…

Out of the park.

It was like her birthday, Fourth of July and New Year’s all in one. Dara shrieked with the rest of the crowd as Jason circled the bases. His teammates pounced on him as he pounded home, bringing in the game-winning run. It was the perfect ending to the perfect game… and the perfect night.
