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Pat visibly tightened and the men’s stances sobered, but Jason stayed expressionless. As always.

“Of course.” Pat’s monotone reply belied the grief that hid inside. “Even though he’s no longer on the Florida Dragons roster, he will always remain in the Dragons family. He is steadily improving.”

“Have they given up hope of him walking again?” the reporter followed up.

“Any word on whether they’ll be prosecuting?” another asked.

Pat’s eyes darkened. “I’m not at liberty to discuss Mr. Caine’s personal situation. Does anyone have a question for one of our players?”

“I have one for Jason.” An attractive brunette wearing a fitted pink suit held out her recorder. “Jason, rumors are swirling about you and the mystery woman you met over the weekend. Everyone – and I mean everyone – is wondering who you kissed at The Sweet Spot. Of course, we know you like to have fun, but this seemed different. Was there something special about her?”

Dara edged back. A few of the reporters saw her and gestured. Cameras pointed, gazes sharpened. Obviously, Jason would respond with the obvious answer – a resounding negative. Yet as the seconds boomed like a cartoon bomb, he stayed silent.

Her breath hitched.

“As I said, we don’t have time for personal questions,” Pat spoke after an eternity and a half, snagging the room’s attention once more. “We have to prepare for today’s game. Please join us later for the post-game analysis.”

The reporter nodded, but a raised eyebrow proved Pat’s non-answer hadn’t satisfied her. She wasn’t done with the questioning, and by the speculation in the other reporters’ expressions, they hadn’t even started. Yet Dara was far more interested in Jason’s response, or lack thereof. Why hadn’t he answered?

In a flurry of hushed conversation, the reporters left, and Pat turned to the team. “The coach will do his usual pre-game briefing in a moment, but first I want to introduce our newest staff member, Dara Everett. Now before you ask, she is my niece, but her presence here has nothing to do with blood and everything to do with the positive changes she can bring to the team. She’s worked in public relations for some of the most successful companies in Europe, and now she brings those skills and experience to us.” He paused. “I know we’re still in shock over what happened to Alan, but right now we could use a little good press. I can filter the questions they ask in the locker room, but I can’t control what they write. Hopefully, Dara can help with that. Please give her a nice welcome.”

Gazes were wary, but none so thoroughly probing as Jason’s. She avoided his gaze. “Good afternoon,” she said loudly and confidently. “It’s a pleasure to be here as the team’s new Image Manager. It’s my job to help the team portray a responsible, family-friendly image.” She softened the words with a smile, and most of the players grinned back. Jason folded his arms across his chest.

“We’re not asking you to change your lives, just make some minor adjustments to show the Dragons stand for the best. I’ll be working with you individually and as a group to accomplish this. Of course, some people will require more intensive intervention.” She leveled her gaze at Jason. With unabashed boldness, he held it. Murmurs arose from the crowd, as the tension turned the air into soup. She pressed forward, “I’d love to hear your ideas and suggestions as well. Does anyone have any questions?”

Several players held up their hands, including Jason. She passed him and instead pointed at Chance Jenkins. “Does this mean we can only have a dozen girlfriends at a time?”

His smile was so mischievously boyish, she couldn’t help but return it. “In private you can do whatever you want.”

Andy Sawyer, one of the more mature men on the team, raised his hand next. “What about alcohol? Is it a problem if we consume it in public?”

Protests, as loud as they were expected, erupted from the players. She held up her hands. “Of course, you can drink. Even though alcohol played a part in the accident, we couldn’t and wouldn’t forbid you from drinking, even in public. We just ask that you do so responsibly. We’d rather not have pictures of drunk players plastered all over social media.” Her eyes darted to Jason, and she hesitated. “Above all, if you have too much to drink, find a designated driver. We set up a phone number you can call, and we’ll arrange a ride for you, no charge and no questions. If you see someone drunk, call for them.”

The guys nodded, and her muscles loosened, as she answered more queries. She’d worried they’d rebel at the restrictions, or really suggestions, but they seemed to be taking it pretty well.

All except the formidable man with the massive scowl on his handsome face.

Only one hand remained up. She could no longer avoid him. Somehow she kept her voice polite. “Do you have a question?”

“Actually, more of a comment. When you say we should behave, does that mean not kissing strangers in public?”

Laughter erupted from the crowd, painting fire up her neck. It was more an accusation than a question, and everyone knew why. “Your personal relations are up to you,” she said tightly. And from now on, they would not include her. No matter how towering or handsome or muscular or – She cleared her throat, turned back to the group. “Thank you for your time. I look forward to working with each of you.”

Jason’s eyes lit in challenge. As the main target of public opinion after Alan’s accident, he was her focus. Would he fight against her, undermining her mission? Or would he work with her and make the job easier? Based on early indications, the former was far likelier.

Pat retook the podium, and she moved back. If her parents were here, they would tell her she did fantastic, because they were always her biggest cheerleaders. They would say it was not as bad as she feared. Well, except for the part when Jason alluded to her kiss. And the part when she replayed the kiss (a dozen or so times) in her head. But besides that, it was great.

Dara nodded her goodbyes and walked to the exit. Most of the players bestowed friendly smiles, with one literally glaring exception: Jason Sterling. All humor disappeared, as they locked eyes in a private staring contest. She tore her gaze away and walked faster.

Footsteps boomed behind her. It was silly to try to outrace one of the fastest men in America, yet for some reason, the urge engulfed her, just like the other day. One step in front of the other, as the footsteps behind her grew faster, louder, closer. Then suddenly, a hand closed on her arm.

And a voice whispered in her ear. “We’re not done, Athena.”


“Were you spying on me?”

The seconds ticked, yet his quarry neither turned nor responded. His large hand fully encircled her arm, and a shot of something – was that possessiveness – riled him, urging him to remain. Yet he couldn’t, at least not yet. Slowly, reluctantly, he let her go, but kept her close. She’d escaped him once – it wasn’t going to happen again. “I spent an hour looking for you, after you left.”
