Page 119 of Vengeful Gods

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The bed dips on the other side of Ven’s torso, and the magnetic presence of Thorne makes me lose my mind for a second.

He’s fisting himself, and guides Fox to balance her weight against him.

“I’ve wanted those pouty fucking lips wrapped around my cock all night.” She stares up at him with the sort of awestruck look I’m pretty sure is mirrored on my face. “You’re such a good fucking girl for me.”

“Mmhm, please, Daddy.” She breathes, lips hanging open as Ven sucks and laps at her pussy.

Thorne guides her down to take him into her mouth, and I can taste him on my tongue as I watch on, transfixed. Fox is moaning and desperate, her saliva coating him as Ven keeps teasing and tempting her toward the edge.

“Jesus. Fuck.” As she gets sloppier and sloppier, Thorne drags her off him and is breathing hard, watching her start to unravel. She’s lost in the build-up to her climax, and that’s when baby blue eyes flick to me.

“Fffuck. I’m so close.” Her fingers dig into his abs as she whimpers.

God. I’m staring at his veined dick, and it’s right fucking there. My throat works down a heavy swallow as I wrap my hand around my own length and start stroking. Right now, I don’t care about the Anguis or anything outside these walls. They can go to hell. All I want is for us to have some little glimpse of pleasure and enjoy this moment.

If it takes blocking out whatever shit-storm is to come and hiding away in here for a little while, I’ll gladly take that chance at grabbing hold of something good.

“Ky.” Her throaty little rasp says my name, and I see that she’s got her small fist wrapped around Thorne’s cock, but she’s so close to coming she’s imploring me…begging me.

I lick my lips, and my gaze bounces up to check in with Thorne.

His eyes are hooded and dark, and all of a sudden, I’m more nervous than I think I’ve ever been in my life.

“Ky, please.” I’m done for with that final plea. The way she’s about two seconds from falling apart, while sitting on Ven’s face, and is asking me to help suck Thorne’s cock.

Taking him in hand right at the base, I lean forward and slide his crown through my parted lips. Above me, Thorne’s breathing hitches, and beneath my touch his dick throbs, while I’m swept up in a weird storm of realization that I’ve wanted to do this for so much longer than I ever admitted to myself.

He tastes and feels unbelievable. Allowing him to glide in, heavy and commanding is a hit I’m going to forever be chasing. With Ven, we give and receive equally, but with Thorne, there’s unspoken dominance in even the most subtle press of his hips.

I’m already fucking obsessed.

Relaxing my jaw, the musky scent of him and taste of his skin mixed with Fox’s saliva makes my stomach clench. I close my lips around his velvety length for the first time, and the noise that comes out of him is nearly feral.

“Oh, god.” Fox whines.

“Get me nice and wet,” Thorne rumbles. “Let me fuck that throat good and deep.”

I make an entirely desperate noise as I invite him to pump his hips and press further to the back of my throat. He’s so smooth and full in my mouth, and I can’t believe this is finally happening.

“That’s it. Let go.” Above me, he’s coaxing Fox through her orgasm, or maybe he’s talking to me, fuck I don’t even know. But I hear her come apart with a low moan. The warmth of her gaze is on me the whole time as I take Thorne deeper and deeper. My throat closes around his tip, and a shudder rolls through his muscles as he tries to hold back from choking me.

That’s when I feel it. His strong hands sink into my hair just like they did that night in the backseat of the car, and his fingers flex against my scalp.

“Such a good fucking boy.”

With each determined thrust, the wash of unspoken additional praise flows over me like syrup. I was already hooked on Thorne; now I think I’m gladly lost inside him.

I’m burning up beneath my skin when those strong hands tighten in my hair, dragging me off him. I swipe over my lips with my tongue, letting my eyes bounce between Ven and Fox for a moment as I try to catch my breath.

My heart is somewhere in my mouth.

Ven gives me a smug fucking expression, reclining against the pillows like some sort of tattooed beast surveying his kingdom. I’d look pretty fucking pleased with myself, too, if I just had our girl’s thighs wrapped around my head and her cum all over my tongue.

Fox swoops in to grab my face in both palms and devours my lips with horny little whimpers. I’m guessing she liked what she saw.

“You’re so fucking beautiful.” She croons at me, and my already thundering pulse climbs further up the peak. I’m at such a dizzying altitude I’m either going to pass out or need oxygen.

“Come here.” Ven paws at her ass, shifting her around.
