Page 13 of The Redwoods

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My eyes widened at the words written in her perfect cursive handwriting, and I smirked. Cody gave me a puzzled look, and when I didn’t react further or say something, I heard Susan call from behind me, “So, what does it say? Is it as scary as you thought it’d be?”

She stood, rested her elbows on the back of the chair opposite me, and grinned broadly at my shocked expression. She motioned with her hand for me to hurry up.

“It says…”

I hope you enjoyed the wild goose chase, my beauty.

Susan threw back her head and let out a great peal of laughter. I couldn’t help but laugh, too, because this was typical of Mother. I just couldn’t believe she’d get the last laugh, even in death. But I wasn’t bitter because while she knew I’d never find the uncle she tasked me to, I had a feeling she knew I’d find a handsome biker there instead.

Because my mother knew everything.

The End
