Page 7 of The Redwoods

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Because you’re an idiot, Dahl!

In the hours since he’d left, I’d washed the breakfast dishes, made up the bed I’d slept in, and done another thorough search of the house. I’d come up empty once again, of course, and I struggled with the fact that I had no idea who my uncle was or why his cabin was so bare. He had obviously been here because Cody said he buried him in the woods, but why would he stay in a house with no clothes, no personal items, and a kitchen stocked with food? There was so much more to this story, and I was determined to get Cody to talk, even if it was the last thing I did.

The rumble of a motorcycle engine stops my constant pacing, and my hands fall to my sides as I see a headlight peeking through the early hour of dusk. I rush to the window just as Cody pulls his bike around. He used his right foot to put the kickstand in place before he settled the motorcycle and jumped off. I watched as he removed his helmet and gloves and didn’t move from the window until he came up the front porch steps.

It should be no surprise that I’m still here because he should’ve noticed that my rental car hadn’t moved at all today. When he broke the front door plane, he looked around the house before his golden eyes found me standing by the fireplace. His gaze was predatory, and the thought of him here, finally, had set my body on fire. I had been telling myself all day that I wanted him to return so I could get answers, but that was a lie. I wanted him to return because I wanted him badly. My body ached in places that had been sleeping for so long, and I wanted nothing more than to feel his arms circle my waist to pull me closer.

His gaze roamed over my body seductively, and I felt relieved that my affection wasn’t one-sided. Cody stalked toward me, and I took a few involuntary steps back, only stopping once my back hit the solid stone wall surrounding the fireplace. Cody stopped, only a breath away from me. He was so close I could feel the heat from his body, and a delightful shiver of wanting ran through me. Cody braced himself by putting a hand against the stone next to my head, and his other hand slid from my waist around to my lower back. My body arched as he pulled me closer, and I felt a sudden, unfamiliar ache build. The smell of leather and pine tickled my nose, and I decided that was my new favorite scent.

What was he doing to me?

Why are you letting him, Dahl? I chastised myself.

I took a ragged breath and made the mistake of looking at his mouth. His lips were delectable and made for kissing. My own sought his with a hunger I’d never known before. That should have scared me, but it was exhilarating and promised new beginnings I was now eager for. But our lips didn’t meet. They hovered passionately, and I wanted to beg him to kiss me. But I refrained. His eyes met mine, and the gold flecks swirled with shades of green. I’d never met a man with more intriguing eyes. They were pulling me in, a moth to a flame.

I kept my arms at my side, scared that if I touched him, I wouldn’t be able to hold back. I wanted him to make the first move.

“Dahlia,” he said my name as if it was a prayer, and I understood immediately his struggle. I closed my eyes and savored the sound of his voice as he said my name.

His breath was warm and moist against my face, and my heart raced with the promise that he would grant my only wish. Cody’s head dipped slowly, and he placed a tantalizing kiss on the hollow of my neck. My entire body shivered, causing gooseflesh to break out on my skin. My head tilted back as his lips worked a path up. He gently kissed my cheek and forehead before his lips finally brushed against mine. The brief touch instantly sent ecstasy through my veins, and I had to brace myself by latching onto his corded arms for stability. He groaned in pleasure at the feel of my heated hands on his arms and bent, ruining me with a slow, drugging kiss. It was sweet, sweet torture. He pulled away slightly, and my lips once again sought his, and as they recaptured mine, he demanded more. His lips became demanding, and he moved his mouth over mine, devouring its softness. With no further hesitation, he swept me up, as if I was weightless into his arms, and as he stalked up the stairs to the bedroom, my fear wasn’t that he’d hurt me physically but that he’d ruin me completely.

At the top of the staircase, Cody didn’t turn left to take us to the bedroom he’d been sleeping in; instead, he turned right. And I was relieved; I had gotten used to the bed in my room and wanted all my recent late-night fantasies of the two of us together to come true. He turned his large frame and entered the room before kicking the door shut with his booted foot. My lips moved against his warm skin from his chin down his neck as I used one hand to begin unbuttoning his flannel shirt. That spackle of hair on his chest grew as my fingers released each button slowly. My lips trailed down from his neck, gently placing kisses to his firm chest with each button that separated. Cody set me down softly, my bare feet touching the cold wooden surface. I shivered, but it wasn’t because it was colder up here. It was because of his proximity and the desperation I felt standing before him. The prolonged anticipation was almost unbearable as I stared into his golden gaze. He looked me over seductively, his gaze dropping from my shoulders to my breasts. My heart pounded in response, and I prayed I would survive this; his perusal of my body was torture. Sweet fucking torture. I lifted my hands and continued to unbutton his shirt. Once the last one was separated, I reached up, my hands shaking slightly, and ran my palms across his firm pecks, then up over his shoulders, pushing his shirt off completely. Cody closed his eyes and tilted his head back as my lips trailed where my hands had just been. He sucked in a breath before lowering his golden gaze back to mine. Mirroring my movements, he did the same to me. Loosening each button on my long-sleeve midnight blue night dress and then pushing it over my shoulders to land on the wood floor next to his. He took a step back, and I felt the cold air hit my heated skin. I missed his touch instantly, suddenly afraid he’d changed his mind, but the fire was still clear and present in his gaze, so I stood before him, allowing him to drink me in. I stood there, wearing only my black lace bra and matching thong, and let him get his fill. Cody licked his lips as his eyes looked me up and down before returning to my face.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked, and my heart lurched madly at the seriousness of his expression.

“Yes,” I whispered without any hesitation whatsoever.

Then, without any further delay, Cody grabbed me by the waist, lifting me as my arms wrapped securely around his neck. Our lips met, and desire drugged the space between us. We couldn’t get close enough. I wanted to be closer, as close as two people could get.

Cody stepped forward and laid me gently on the bed. He loosened his belt before undoing the button on his jeans and lowering the zipper. In one smooth motion, his jeans and boxers fell to his ankles, and I felt myself moan at the size of him. His cock was big and beautiful, the head already glistening with cum, a surefire guarantee of the subtle but sensual soreness a man like him would provide after a night of sex. I wanted to taste him, but that would have to wait because my body needed him inside of me first. We had plenty of time to explore each other, didn’t we?

Cody slipped onto the bed next to me, his hand roaming from the tip of my toes all the way up past where my pussy pulsated for his fevered attention to land on the soft peak of my breast. My nipples firmed instantly under his heated palm, and unconsciously, my back bowed off the bed, attempting to get closer still. Even with the lace of my bra covering my flesh, I could feel the heat of his hand as he caressed my breast. And when his expert fingers pushed the lace away from my sensitive skin, and his hand met the peak of my hard nipple, I moaned loudly.

Cody’s leg came up, imprisoning my body, and I could feel the proof of his arousal against my thigh. Moaning again, I pulled him closer and gasped as he lowered his body over mine. I needed him inside of me now. I couldn’t wait anymore, and I whimpered as he pressed me further into the mattress. I couldn’t help but whimper again as he reached between us to move the soft lace between my legs to the side. He ran his fingers along my wet pussy, and I shivered at his touch. As good as those fingers felt, I whimpered again, feeling impatient and so aroused I worried I would explode any second. My body felt like a piece of lit dynamite, the fuse slowly burning down but never reaching the point of detonation. It was the most wicked form of torture.

Cody continued his attention with his fingers, moving one in and out of my body before doubling up and adding another finger. My body bowed again off the bed, my legs wrapping around his waist in an attempt to lock him in place. I could feel his gaze on my face as I writhed beneath him, begging him by repeating the word ‘please’, over and over. My whimpers had become moans, and my body temperature was climbing faster as he ran his thumb across my clit. Stars appeared behind my closed eyes, and my head tilted back as an orgasm threatened to drown me as if I were in the middle of a fucking tsunami. I panted, unable to take a deep breath as Cody lifted himself up on his elbows and planted a devouring kiss on my bruised lips. His tongue swept in forcefully, punishing me as his hips slammed against mine, his cock piercing me and pushing fast inside. Cody let free a growl as his release came barreling down, his balls tightening with the force of his orgasm. But he kept rolling his hips, renewing the beast he’d turned into.

His lovemaking was savage, so intense my eyes began to water. Each touch surely left a bruise, and as he thrust into me, I couldn’t wait to be branded by him.

In every possible way.


We lay there in bed for days. Neither of us cared to move or leave the cabin. We had everything we needed. Food, clothing, and each other.

And while Cody spilled everything about himself, his life, his family, and why he was staying at this cabin, I kept my secrets my own. I wanted to share all the details of who I was and give him all of me in return, but I didn’t fully trust him yet. I was relieved that I had what I needed to claim my inheritance, and I could go back to Connecticut at any moment and put this all behind me, but I couldn’t. Not yet.

I wanted more.

And I was determined to find out if Cody was that.


Cody traced the shell of my ear as he told me about the events that led him here. And how he’d found my uncle lying in the grass outside, not breathing, his heart not beating. Cody stared deep into my eyes as he said it was the right thing to do for Jack, and after much thought, he buried Jack’s body between the massive trees. Cody had reasoned that he didn’t deserve to be eaten by the wildlife. And when I questioned why he’d taken my uncle’s name and identity, he was honest. At least, I think he was because I couldn’t for the life of me imagine anyone making up the story Cody had relayed to me.

And in the wee hours of the morning, Cody began to tell his story.

“For years, I’ve been a part of a Motorcycle Club called The Redwood Reapers,” he explained, and my mind flashed to the skull on the back of his leather jacket.
